What Type Of Word Is Levity?


Known can be a verb, a noun or an adjective.

How do you use levity in a sentence?

Levity sentence example

  1. Maybe a little levity would help. …
  2. Here her unrestrainable high spirits and levity gave great offence to the citizens. …
  3. Many are of opinion that flight is a mere matter of levity and power.

Is levity a positive word?

No, levity has a mildly positive connotation. However, it is also frequently used in sentences that have a negative connotation, like, “Now is not the time for levity.” The word itself is positive, though. “He brought a little levity to the situation”, implies that the humor was welcome.

What is levity mean in English?

1 : excessive or unseemly frivolity She would tolerate no levity in the classroom. 2 : lack of steadiness : changeableness the levity …

What is the verb of known?

know. (transitive) To perceive the truth or factuality of; to be certain of or that. (transitive) To be aware of; to be cognizant of. (transitive) To be acquainted or familiar with; to have encountered.

What type of verb is know?

to realize, understand, or be aware of something know (that)…

Is known a noun or a verb?

verb. past participle of know1. noun.

What is an example of levity?

Lightness of manner or speech, frivolity. … The definition of levity is silly or light speech or behavior, usually at an inappropriate time. An example of levity is someone is being disrespectful to a police officer after being arrested.

What is a moment of levity?

(formal) ​behaviour that shows a lack of respect for something serious and that treats it with humour synonym frivolity. The joke provided a moment of levity in an otherwise dreary meeting.

What does a little levity mean?

Levity literally means “lightness,” and it’s often an attempt to inject some lightness or humor into an otherwise somber situation. Telling your Aunt Edna a joke while she recuperates from a skiing accident could provide the levity needed to brighten her mood.

What is the root word of levitate?

Levitate comes from the Latin levis, meaning “light.” Something that is light can levitate easily.

Is Medallic a word?

of or relating to medals.

What does Bbigai mean?

Abbigai. as a name for girls is of Hebrew derivation, and the meaning of the name Abbigai is “father of exaltation”. Abbigai is a version of Abigail (Hebrew).


What is the verb of talk?

(Entry 1 of 2) intransitive verb. 1a : to express or exchange ideas by means of spoken words. b : to convey information or communicate in any way (as with signs or sounds) can make a trumpet talk make the computer talk to the printer.

What is the noun of the verb know?

know used as a noun:


Is the verb went?

Yes, ‘went’ is the preterite (or simple past tense) of the verb ‘to go‘. It is an irregular verb. The past participle of ‘to go’ is ‘gone’.

What is the verb form of invitation?

“Invite” is a verb, not a noun. The noun version is “invitaion” (sic), as in did you receive the invitation to the meeting. … I had always been taught that “invitation” was the noun and “to invite” was the verb. In the U.S., at least, it appears that proper English usage is quickly deteriorating.

What is a noun of the word alleged?

Forms of allege include the adjective alleged, the adverb allegedly, and the noun allegation (meaning an accusation or claim). Allege is most commonly used in a legal context and in journalism in reports about crime or other wrongdoing before it has been proven or before someone has been convicted.

Is the word am a verb?

The definition of am is a verb that is used with the word I as the first person singular version of the verb be. … An example of when the word am would be used is when saying you are having dinner.

What livity means?

Livity is the Rastafari concept of righteous, everliving living. Its essence is the realization that an energy or life-force, conferred by Almighty Jah (God), exists within, and flows through, all people and all living things.

What is the origin of frivolity?

frivolity (n.)

1796, from French frivolité, from Old French frivole “frivolous,” from Latin frivolus (see frivolous).

Who is a frivolous man?

self-indulgently carefree; unconcerned about or lacking any serious purpose. (of a person) given to trifling or undue levity: a frivolous, empty-headed person.
