What Is You View Point In Communication?


The definition of a viewpoint is a way of looking at something. … If you believe you are paying too much in taxes and that everyone should pay a flat rate, this belief is an example of your viewpoint on taxes.

What is the you view point in business communication?

A you-centered business style employs the you view and an audience-centered tone to choose particular words and adopt a targeted tone in a message. The “you view” analyzes and emphasizes the reader’s interests and perspectives.

What viewpoint means?

: a position or perspective from which something is considered or evaluated : point of view, standpoint The novel is told from two major viewpoints and a number of minor ones …—

What’s another word for viewpoint?


2 standpoint, perspective, position, stance, angle.

What does Viewpoint mean in writing?

Author’s viewpoint is the way an author looks at a topic or the ideas being described. Viewpoint includes the content and the language used to present the data. Thoughtful readers decipher an author’s point of view, opinions, hypotheses, assumptions, and possible bias.

What is you approach in communication?

In communication studies, this is known as the you-attitude. In elementary terms, the you-approach involves the use of pronouns that do not project the writer, but focus on the reader. Avoid first person pronouns such as I, we and our; prefer the second person, and use you and your liberally.

Why is the you view important?

The You-viewpoint will make you—sender of the message—better informed to use your understanding of the receiver’s knowledge to influence the ideas you include and the amount of explanation you give. Moreover, you will be able to use words the receiver will understand and accept.

What is the three step process?

This process is used to communicate both routine and persuasive messages in the work place. The first step is planning, or preparing to write the message. The next step is writing, where the actual creation of the message takes place. Lastly, the final step is to complete, or finish, the message.

How do you use the word viewpoint?

Viewpoint sentence example

  1. She couldn’t agree with him more, but it was an unusual viewpoint for a man. …
  2. She couldn’t see the far end of the lake from her viewpoint , but she was able to see across the narrow panhandle. …
  3. This viewpoint seems reasonable because it is largely consistent with our everyday experience of life.

What are the 9 viewpoints?

The Viewpoints adapted by Bogart and Landau are nine physical Viewpoints (Spatial Relationship, Kinesthetic Response, Shape, Gesture, Repetition, Architecture, Tempo, Duration, and Topography).

What is needed to clear organize one’s viewpoint?

The view must move in an orderly, logical progression, giving the reader clear directional signals to follow from place to place. The key to using this method is to choose a specific starting point and then guide the reader to follow your eye as it moves in an orderly trajectory from your starting point.

What is you attitude example?

In professional writing, the “you attitude” means looking at a topic from the reader’s point of view (“you”) instead of our own (“me”): Me Attitude: I have requested that your order is sent out today. You Attitude: You will receive your order by Wednesday.

What is you attitude give example?

You-attitude: You will be notified of your appointment time within 24 hours. 5. Avoid the word you in delivering bad news, as it can be interpreted as accusatory and over-accentuate the negative. Without you-attitude: Because you did not proofread your paper, you will earn an F.


Which is the most important tool of communication?

Explanation: Language is the most important tool of communication. The word communication is derived from the Latin word “communicare”, which means to share. Body language, posture and gestures are also important tools of communication; but they are secondary to language.

Why is it important to see things from others point of view?

When you see others point of view it allows you to be more empathetic. It improves both your life and the life you’re interacting with. It helps you by making you think of others, it helps others by giving them a fair chance.

What are the benefits of you attitude?

Benefits of a Positive Attitude

  • Better heart health. Our positive or negative thoughts and attitudes can impact our hearts. …
  • An active, curious mind. …
  • Increased productivity at work. …
  • Overcoming obstacles becomes easier. …
  • Better relationships and social life. …
  • Better recovery process.

Why do we need to see the perspective of something?

Seeing from another person’s perspective helps you to understand things in a different light and opens up the path for a whole lot more of understanding and tolerance. Sometimes things appear to be big, but in the big picture, it is actually something small.

What is a positive approach?

Positive thinking, or an optimistic attitude, is the practice of focusing on the good in any given situation. … It simply means you approach the good and the bad in life with the expectation that things will go well.

When should you attitude be avoided?

Four essential rules for writing with YOU attitude

  • Avoid starting your memos or letters or peer reviews with “I” or “We.”
  • Avoid “you” when it criticizes the reader. …
  • The You-Attitude avoids condescension by eliminating unnecessary imperatives (commands).

What are your five main goals when delivering bad news?

Terms in this set (15)

  • Five goals when delivering bad news. Convey the bad news. …
  • Planning negative message. …
  • Writing negative message. …
  • Completing negative message. …
  • Using the direct approach. …
  • Opening with a clear statement of the bad news. …
  • Providing reasons and additional information. …
  • Closing on a respectful note.

What does a balanced viewpoint mean?

1 having weight equally distributed. 2 (of a person) mentally and emotionally stable. 3 (of a discussion, programme, etc.) presenting opposing points of view fairly and without bias.

What is the viewpoint in a story?

Viewpoint refers to the mind of the character through which the reader is told a story. … The multiple-character viewpoint is used to tell a story from the perspectives of different characters, one at a time.

What is the difference between viewpoint and point of view?

In the figurative senses, a point of view and a viewpoint are essentially the same thing. They both refer to an attitude or a way of thinking about a particular subject, e.g. Try looking at things from a different point of view.
