What Is The Use Of Gynura Procumbens?


The young, slightly fuzzy leaves are tender so they can be eaten fresh in salads, added to smoothies, soups, stir-fries, or made into tea. The taste is similar to spinach. When it is cooked, the leaves are slightly viscous, similar to okra, and like okra, it can be used to thicken sauces, stews and soups.

What is the longevity plant?

Longevity Spinach, also known as Gynura Procumbens, is a vegetable that has recently become exceedingly popular in the U.S. This plant that was originally found in China, Southeast Asia, and Africa has been proven to have high medicinal value. Lately, people have started to grow this plant in their very own backyards.

How do you eat Gynura?

When buying Gynura procumbens avoid light yellow, wilted and limp leaves. The leaves should be crisp and they’re a joy when eating raw. This crispiness makes it great for dipping in a sauce.

How do you start the lifespan of spinach?

One of the great things about longevity spinach is that it’s super easy to propagate. All you have to do is cut off a leaf or a small stem of the plant, stick it in soil, and keep it well watered for a few days. The leaf or stem will sprout roots and begin a new plant.

Why is spinach so good for you?

Spinach has vitamins and minerals like vitamin E and magnesium that support your immune system. This system keeps you safe from viruses and bacteria that cause disease. It also defends your body from other things that can hurt you, like toxins.

What is forever spinach?

Perpetual spinach is actually a chard (beet family) but is very similar to true spinach in flavour. We prefer it as it is much easier to grow and far more vigorous than true spinach. It also has the advantage of constantly producing a new crop when picked and so is ideally suited to gardening in a small space.

How do you use Gynura Procumbens?

Common Uses

  1. The most effective way – EAT IT RAW. Wash the Gynura Procumbens leaf before consumption. …
  2. Dry the leaves and consume like tea. Gynura Procumbens leaves can be sun-dried and preserved like tea leaves. …
  3. Soaked the leaves into alcohol and preserved it. Consume the leaves as required.

What is the healthiest type of spinach?

The nutritional profile of savoy spinach is excellent as it is a rich source of beta carotene, vitamin C, and folate. Research shows that two cups of raw, chopped savoy spinach contains 13 calories, ideal for those that are looking for a low-calorie diet.

Where do Gynura Procumbens grow?

Gynura Grows Best in Partial Shade

The young Gynura plants struggled a bit until we modified the full sun exposure. They were getting scorched from too much sun, so we added a shade cloth for screening and from there on they’re thriving. So, gynura—like spinach—grows best in partial shade.

What plant is good for sugar?

Costus igeus, commonly known as insulin plant in India, belongs to family Costaceae. It is believed that consumption of the leaves helps lower the blood glucose levels, and diabetics who consumed the leaves of this plant report a fall in their blood glucose levels.


What happens if I eat spinach everyday?

There are no side effects of eating spinach every day if consumed in limited quantities. Disadvantages of eating spinach in excess every day are as follows: Oxalic acid and purines: Eating too much spinach can interfere with the ability of the body to absorb minerals.

What is the healthiest vegetable?

The 14 Healthiest Vegetables on Earth

  1. Spinach. This leafy green tops the chart as one of the healthiest vegetables, thanks to its impressive nutrient profile. …
  2. Carrots. …
  3. Broccoli. …
  4. Garlic. …
  5. Brussels Sprouts. …
  6. Kale. …
  7. Green Peas. …
  8. Swiss Chard.

Is it better to eat raw or cooked spinach?

Spinach. The leafy green is packed with nutrients, but you’ll absorb more calcium and iron if you eat it cooked. The reason: Spinach is loaded with oxalic acid, which blocks the absorption of iron and calcium but breaks down under high temperatures.

Does longevity spinach need full sun?

Light and Temperature Requirements

Longevity spinach needs a lot of sunlight, but not too much of it! It’s best to keep them under partial shade. If you place it under direct sunlight, it will grow, but your harvest will have a bitter taste.

Is Gynura Procumbens perennial?

Longevity spinach (Gynura procumbens) is a leafy vegetable that was relatively unknown in the U.S. until recent years. It has rapidly gained in popularity as more people grow it and become familiar with its health benefits. In warm climates the plant is perennial, and will provide harvests for many years.

What is cholesterol spinach?

Native to Nepal, cholesterol spinach is a hardy, fast-growing plant related to Okinawan spinach. It had gained popularity in Hawaii based on anecdotal evidence of its cholesterol-lowering effects (1). Preliminary laboratory studies suggest some compounds derived from this plant may have cardioprotective effects (4).

How do you eat Okinawa spinach?

Okinawa spinach is eaten raw or lightly cooked because it can develop a slimy texture if overcooked. Young leaves are used raw in salads, spring rolls and as a garnish. Combining with other types of greens in salads is recommended as a way to cut the stronger piney flavor of the Okinawa spinach.

Is Okinawa spinach the same as longevity spinach?

Okinawa Spinach – Gynura crepioides. … Also called Leaves of the Gods, Moluccan Spinach, and daun dewa, Longevity spinach is known in many cultures for lowering blood sugar and cholesterol. Like its relative, Okinawa spinach, it grows in sun or part shade but may die back to the roots in a freeze.
