What Is The Difference Between A Butterfly And A Fritillary?


It is found in northern and central United States and southern Canada. It is only missing from northern Canada and some of the southern states. Its complete scientific name is Speyeria cybele; cybele meaning “mountain mother” or “earth mother”.

What is the meaning of fritillaries?

Fritillaria (fritillaries) is a genus of spring flowering herbaceous bulbous perennial plants in the lily family (Liliaceae). … The name Fritillaria is thought to refer to the checkered pattern of F. meleagris, resembling a box in which dice were carried.

What insect is a fritillary?

The marsh fritillary (Euphydryas aurinia) is a butterfly of the family Nymphalidae.

What is the host plant for the Gulf fritillary butterfly?

Purple passionflower, Passiflora incarnata L. (Passifloracaea), a host of the Gulf fritillary butterfly, Agraulis vanillae (Linneaus). Photograph by Jaret C. Daniels, University of Florida.

How do you know if you have a great spangled fritillary?

Great spangled fritillary adults are large, rusty orange butterflies with black or dark brown markings; the base of the wings is somewhat darker. The undersides of the hindwings have prominent silvery white spots on a dark brown background, with a tan band along the outer margin. Females are darker above than males.

What does fritillary mean in Latin?

C17: from New Latin fritillāria, from Latin fritillus dice box; probably with reference to the spotted markings.

How do you identify fritillaries?

What do silver-washed fritillaries look like? Caterpillars: black-brown with two pale lines along back and long, reddish-brown spines. Adults: distinctive deep orange-brown and black butterflies. Males have four black veins in the centre of their forewings.

How long is the gulf fritillary life cycle?

The newly emerged adult will pump fluid from its abdomen into its wings. The new butterfly lets its wings dry for about ten to fifteen minutes, then takes off in flight. It has a life span of 14 to 27 days. During this short time, adults must locate a mate and the females must lay eggs.

How long do fritillary butterflies live?

Characteristics of the Gulf Fritillary Butterfly

Individuals may live for several weeks; in warm weather up to 4-6 weeks. In cold weather they survive 2-3 months, but cannot survive below 21 degrees Fahrenheit. The typical size of the adult Gulf Fritillary is 2.5″ – 3.0″.

What butterfly is attracted to passion flower?

Of primary interest to gardeners is the passionflower’s connection with two beautiful Florida butterflies, the Gulf Fritillary and the Zebra Longwing. The larval stages (caterpillars) of these two butterflies feed on the foliage of passionflower vines which they need to complete their life cycle.

Why did the Atossa fritillary butterfly go extinct?

Examples of extinct insect species include: The Atossa fritillary butterfly (Speyeria adiaste atsaos) was abundant in southern California mountain ranges. … The cause of its extinction is not clear but it is usually attributed to habitat destruction and exotic species introduction.


What do fritillary butterflies eat?

The adult butterflies use nectar from many flowers, including Lantana plants. The Passiflora host plants are frequently called passion vines; in some Texan counties where this butterfly’s population is high, gulf fritillaries will feed on specific species such as Passiflora lutea and Passiflora affinis.

Which is the most common butterfly?

Painted Lady- Vanessa cardui. ​How to identify: The Painted Lady butterfly in orange and brown in color with mottled brown spot and 4 large eyespots. Where is it found? They are the most common butterfly in the world and found throughout the world except in Antarctica, Australia and South America.

Is there an app to identify butterflies?

Butterfly Conservation’s new Smartphone app has just been launched. iRecord Butterflies, is completely free and is available for iOS and Android devices. iRecord Butterflies will guide you through the identification of any butterfly than you see in the UK.

What is the rarest butterfly in the UK?

With a wingspan of more than 2 inches, the large blue butterfly holds the title of being both the largest, and rarest of all 9 British blue butterflies. Declared extinct in Britain in 1979, its numbers have continued to be in decline worldwide.

How big is a great spangled fritillary?

The wingspan of the great spangled fritillary is 2.5 to 4 inches. It has scalloped orange forewings and hindwings. Females are a darker orange than males. They have black spots on the upperside of their wings and silver spots on the underside.

Are variegated fritillary caterpillar poisonous?

The 2″ long Variegated Fritillary Caterpillar has an orange body marked by black stripes and white spots, and branching spines, as shown in the photos below. Despite their spines and threatening appearance, they do not sting!

Are fritillary butterflies rare?

The Heath Fritillary is a species of butterfly that was close to extinction in the UK, but thanks to efforts from the Woodland Trust, a new population has been discovered at a conservation site in Kent.

Are gulf fritillary butterfly poisonous?

The spines are soft to the touch and do not sting. The larva are poisonous if eaten. Their toxic flesh provides gulf fritillary caterpillars with excellent protection from predators. Birds avoid them.

What does a gulf fritillary butterfly look like?

Gulf fritillaries are medium-sized butterflies with elongated forewings. Their wingspan extends between 65 and 95 millimeters long. The surface of the upper wing is bright orange with black markings. The undersides of the wings are brown with a red blush color near the base.

Do butterflies have 2 Hearts?

Yes, butterflies and all other insects have both a brain and a heart. The butterfly has a long chambered heart that runs the length of its body on the upper side. … It pumps hemolymph (it lacks the red color of blood) from the rear of the insect forward to bathe its internal organs.
