What Is Narcoleptic Nuggets Real Name?


After high school, NarcolepticNugget went on to study dentistry at college and graduated in 2021.

What keyboard does NarcolepticNugget use?

Razer BlackWidow Ultimate 2014 Elite Mechanical Gaming Keyboard.

What mic does NarcolepticNugget use?

Mic: Shure Sm7b. Main Monitor: XL2540 240Hz.

What does prone mean in r6?

Up until now, Siege players could fire their weapon and enter a prone state at the same time. This means that if you got into a face-to-face situation with an opponent, you could drop to the floor and fire at them simultaneously to evade potential head or torso shots.

How do you slow walk in siege?

If we Hold the LeftAlt key while using WASD keys, character will walk slowly in game.

How do you lean on r6 PC?

PC. If you’re playing with a mouse and keyboard, you’ll need to aim-down-sights. With your weapon raised, press ‘E’ or ‘Q’ to lean left or right respectively.

Why do people lean r6?

It helps to build muscle memory and to feel comfortable with your aim. For me, I don’t know about others, once you become comfortable with your aim and movement in r6s you can start to use leaning as a way of adding to your flicks and general aim.

How do pros lean in r6?

Hold your fingers over the standard position RN. W,A,D and pinky on CTRL, thumb on space. (Imagine at this point so you don’t start typing gibberish) Strafe left with A while crouching and standing occasionally. Now toggle Q and E for lean.

How do you walk slow in Roblox PC?

Answer: On controller, you can move the thumbstick very slightly and it will cause the character to walk slowly in that direction. As you move the thumbstick more, your character moves faster.

What is prone in siege?

Because they put themselves in the worst position possible: prone. When you’re prone you can barely move, you make a lot more noise when you do move, and your legs might stick out around corners, revealing your position.


How do you lay down a siege PC?

Keyboard Controls

  1. WASD = forward, left, back, right.
  2. Q = Lean left.
  3. E = Lean right.
  4. R = Reload.
  5. Shift = Run.
  6. C = Crouch.
  7. G = Use gadget (grenades, claymores etc.)
  8. Control = Lay down.

How can I get free Robux?

The most efficient way to earn free Robux is to develop your own game. If you build your own game, you can take advantage of monetizing your game and bringing in new players with the Roblox Affiliate Program.

How do you walk slow in Roblox 2021?

Answer: On controller, you can move the thumbstick very slightly and it will cause the character to walk slowly in that direction. As you move the thumbstick more, your character moves faster.

How do you slow walk in sea of thieves?

you MUST be pressing WASD before you press the walk button or the toggle wont happen. The only time I walk is when I’m in the Sea Dog tavern, usually with my tankard held aloft. Left control key toggle is no big deal, I’m used to bunnyhopping around pirate strangers.

Does Spoit use hold to lean?

Spoit and Pengu are avid users of hold lean for example. Plat 2 support weirdo. I use hold lean on my 2 mouse buttons. It works pretty well IMO, but you have to get used to it.

How do you make a lean rainbow?

To lean while aiming in Rainbow Six Siege, you must first use the left trigger on both the Xbox One (LT) or PlayStation 4 (L2) to aim down your sights. Once in this viewpoint, all you need to do is click L3 or R3 (push down on the left or right sticks) and your operator will lean over to the corresponding side.
