What Happens If You Use A Vacuum In Space?


The vacuum of outer space is not caused by the expansion of the universe, but is caused by gravity. … There would still be things like vacuum fluctuations, gravity, and dark matter, which can’t be sucked out. With that said, outer space is very close to empty compared to earth’s atmosphere.

What does space smell like?

Astronaut Thomas Jones said it “carries a distinct odor of ozone, a faint acrid smell…a little like gunpowder, sulfurous.” Tony Antonelli, another space-walker, said space “definitely has a smell that’s different than anything else.” A gentleman named Don Pettit was a bit more verbose on the topic: “Each time, when I …

Can you breathe in space?

We’re able to breathe on earth because the atmosphere is a mixture of gases, with the thickest gases nearest the earth’s surface, giving us the oxygen we need to breathe. In space, there is very little breathable oxygen. … This prevents the oxygen atoms from joining together to form oxygen molecules.

Has anyone ever floated away in space?

The STS-41B was launched on February 3, 1984. Four days later, on February 7, McCandless stepped out of the space shuttle Challenger into nothingness. As he moved away from the spacecraft, he floated freely without any earthly anchor.

Has anyone been lost in space?

A total of 18 people have lost their lives either while in space or in preparation for a space mission, in four separate incidents. … All seven crew members died, including Christa McAuliffe, a teacher from New Hampshire selected on a special NASA programme to bring civilians into space.

What happens to bodies in space?

Blood and other bodily fluids are pulled by gravity into the lower body. When you go to space, gravity weakens and thus fluids are no longer pulled down, resulting in a state where fluids accumulate in the upper body. This is why the face swells in space.

What happens if an astronaut gets pregnant in space?

While sex in space could present some mechanical problems, conceiving a child in the final frontier might be downright dangerous. “There are many risks to conception in low or microgravity, such as ectopic pregnancy,” Woodmansee said.

Are there any dead animals in space?

Russian and American scientists have long used animals to test the limits of their ability to send living organisms into space – and return them unharmed. … In the years that followed, Nasa sent several monkeys, named Albert I, II, III, IV, into space attached to monitoring instruments. All of them died.

Do you age in space?

We all measure our experience in space-time differently. That’s because space-time isn’t flat — it’s curved, and it can be warped by matter and energy. … And for astronauts on the International Space Station, that means they get to age just a tiny bit slower than people on Earth. That’s because of time-dilation effects.

How much do astronauts get paid?

Astronauts are paid according to the federal government’s General Schedule pay scale, and they can fall on the GS-11 through GS-14 pay grades. The pay grade is based on an astronaut’s academic achievements and experience. The starting salary for GS-11 employees is $53,805.


Can I jump off the moon?

Although you can jump very high on the moon, you’ll be happy to know that there’s no need to worry about jumping all the way off into space. In fact, you’d need to be going very fast – more than 2 kilometres per second – to escape from the moon’s surface.

Would a body decompose in space?

If you do die in space, your body will not decompose in the normal way, since there is no oxygen. If you were near a source of heat, your body would mummify; if you were not, it would freeze. If your body was sealed in a space suit, it would decompose, but only for as long as the oxygen lasted.

Can you get pregnant in space?

As a result NASA’s official policy forbids pregnancy in space. Female astronauts are tested regularly in the 10 days prior to launch. And sex in space is very much frowned upon.

Is there a man floating in space?

On February 7, 1984, Bruce McCandless became the first human to float free from any earthly anchor when he stepped out of the space shuttle Challenger and flew away from the ship. … McCandless, who died on December 21, 2017, had a long and storied history in NASA’s space program.

Are there astronauts floating in space?

Astronauts float around in space because there is no gravity in space. Everyone knows that the farther you get from Earth, the less the gravitational force is. Well, astronauts are so far from the Earth that gravity is so small. … Because there is no air in space.

How far can you fall on the moon without injury?

The answer is about 43 meters. Of course, that’s the serious injury level, and in fact the fall distance might well be less than that, as you lose bone mass from being in low gravity for so long.

What does walking on the moon feel like?

What did it feel like to walk on the moon? … The surface of the moon is like nothing here on Earth! It’s totally lacking any evidence of life. It has lots of fine, talcum-powderlike dust mixed with a complete variety of pebbles, rocks, and boulders.

Do astronauts get paid for life?

They remain in active duty and receive their military pay, benefits and leave. As spaceflights become more routine, astronauts don’t have the celebrity power that they did during the Space Race frenzy.

Do astronauts poop in their suits?

Eliminating Waste

Each spacewalking astronaut wears a large, absorbent diaper called a Maximum Absorption Garment (MAG) to collect urine and feces while in the space suit. The astronaut disposes the MAG when the spacewalk is over and he/she gets dressed in regular work clothes.

Is it true that 1 hour in space is 7 years on Earth?

The first planet they land on is close to a supermassive black hole, dubbed Gargantuan, whose gravitational pull causes massive waves on the planet that toss their spacecraft about. Its proximity to the black hole also causes an extreme time dilation, where one hour on the distant planet equals 7 years on Earth.

How long is 1 day in space?

A sol is slightly longer than an Earth day. It is approximately 24 hours, 39 minutes, 35 seconds long. A Martian year is approximately 668 sols, equivalent to approximately 687 Earth days or 1.88 Earth years.
