What Do You Understand By Zero Tolerance Policing?


Examples of Zero Tolerance Policies

One student pretends to play by shaping his hand into a gun during recess time while another student brings a replica gun to school and brandishes it as though he is going to shoot a classmate. … A school sexual harassment policy states that no students can kiss or hug in school.

What does zero tolerance do?

Zero-tolerance policies forbid people in positions of authority from exercising discretion or changing punishments to fit the circumstances subjectively; they are required to impose a pre-determined punishment regardless of individual culpability, extenuating circumstances, or history.


Is zero tolerance policing a good police strategy?

Zero tolerance and aggressive policing has been found to produce statistically insignificant changes in crime, on average. It also runs the risk of damaging police-community relations, both locally and even at the national level.
