Is Touchably A Real Word?


Able to be filled.

What is a synonym for touchable?

In this page you can discover 13 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for touchable, like: material, tangible, actual, real, tactual, palpable, perceptible, tactile, touch, intangible and lifelike.

What does touchable mean?

capable of being perceived by the sense of touch.

What does so touching mean?

So touching means something made you very emotional. If you watch a movie and it is so touching, it made you cry.

What is the meaning of heart touching?

something that moves you on an emotional level. to touch someone’s heart means to make them feel empathy or sympathy.

What is the meaning of touching?

It’s touching as in “touching my emotions”, which means ‘making me emotional‘ It’s usually used as a response “My son just took his first steps” “-How touching”

Is stretchable a word?

Capable of being extended or expanded: expansible, expansile, extendible, extensible, extensile, protractile, stretch.

What is a tangible thing?

tangible. / (ˈtændʒəbəl) / adjective. capable of being touched or felt; having real substancea tangible object. capable of being clearly grasped by the mind; substantial rather than imaginarytangible evidence.

What is the meaning of Finable?

: subject to the payment of a fine or liable to a fine.

What does fillable PDF mean?

A fillable PDF is a PDF document that includes certain fields that are editable without PDF-editor software. Any fillable PDF that opens in modern PDF viewers (Acrobat, Preview, Chrome, Bluebeam) will be usable in the Forms tool. Note: XFA-based PDFs are only compatible with Adobe.

Is Failable a word?

Capable of failing or becoming exhausted.

What does perceptible by touch mean?

1 : perceptible by touch : tangible. 2 : of, relating to, or being the sense of touch. Other Words from tactile Reach Out and Touch the Meaning of Tactile Example Sentences Learn More About tactile.


What is something not physically touchable?

intangible Add to list Share. You can’t touch this word — it is intangible. … Something intangible can’t be touched physically, but most of the time it is understandable or even felt in the heart.

What does stretchability mean?

Definitions of stretchability. the capacity for being stretched. synonyms: stretch, stretchiness. type of: elasticity, snap. the tendency of a body to return to its original shape after it has been stretched or compressed.

How do you spell stretchable?


  1. bouncy,
  2. elastic,
  3. flexible,
  4. resilient,
  5. rubberlike,
  6. rubbery,
  7. springy,
  8. stretch,

What does unstretched mean?

transitive verb. : to release the tension of : relax. intransitive verb.

What is heart whelming?

: inspiring sympathetic feeling : cheering.

What does touching moment mean?

1 evoking or eliciting tender feelings. your sympathy is touching.

What does Touching basis mean?

Touch base is an idiom often seen in business contexts meaning to make contact or reconnect with someone briefly, such as in “let’s touch base next week.” The phrase is thought to have some relation to baseball where both runner and fielders have to “touch base” in order to be safe or record an out.

What are the synonyms of heart touching?


  • cheering,
  • comforting,
  • encouraging,
  • fulfilling,
  • gladdening,
  • gratifying,
  • heartening,
  • rewarding,
