Is Oralize A Word?


noun The process of making (the muscular movements in eating, etc.?) more distinctly oral or concerned with the mouth muscles (and thereby more manageable for ‘oral’ or vocal utterance).

What is moralizing in literature?

to reflect on or express opinions about something in terms of right and wrong, especially in a self-righteous or tiresome way.

What is a moralizing?

1 : to explain or interpret morally. 2a : to give a moral quality or direction to. b : to improve the morals of. intransitive verb. : to make moral reflections.

What is moralizing medical?

accordance with widely shared conventions of right or good conduct that form a stable, but usually incomplete, social consensus; it includes the concept of moral ideals.


What is a moralizing statement?

Moral statements express an evaluation. … A moral statement is a claim that something is morally good or bad, right and wrong, or has some other moral quality, such as being just, admirable, or blameworthy. All moral statements are normative statements. But not all normative statements are moral statements.
