Is Nicotine Gum Bad For Your Gums?


The irritating effects of nicotine gum can cause gingivitis, stomatitis, glossitis, aphthous ulcers, and changes in taste and salivary flow.

Does nicotine cause gum recession?

Nicotine causes vasoconstriction, meaning that your gum has a poorer blood supply. This makes your gums more susceptible to infection and can cause gum recession.

What are the side effects of long term use of Nicorette gum?

What Are Side Effects Associated with Using Nicotine Gum?

  • Increased blood pressure.
  • Fast heart rate.
  • Dizziness.
  • Insomnia.
  • Irritability.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Indigestion / heartburn.
  • Hiccups.

Does Nicorette gum cause tooth decay?

Nicotine gum is sugar-free, and the chewing motion actually stimulates saliva production. For this reason, chewing nicotine gum does not increase your risk for cavities or gum disease (aside from the inherent risk for gum disease with any nicotine, covered in the first section).

Is nicotine gum bad for your heart?

In small doses, like those contained in the gum, nicotine is generally considered safe. But it does have stimulant properties that can raise blood pressure, increase heart rate and constrict blood vessels.

How many cigarettes is 4mg of nicotine gum?

Used as a chewing gum, nicotine gum comes in two strengths: 2mg for people who smoked less than 25 cigarettes a day, and 4mg for those who smoked 25 or more cigarettes a day.

Is nicotine gum safe for long-term use?

In some published studies, people have used nicotine gum up to five years, according to Richard Hurt, MD, professor of medicine and director of the Nicotine Dependence Center at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn. “As far as we now know,” he says, “there are no heart or vascular problems associated with long-term use.”

Is nicotine gum bad for your kidneys?

Administration of nicotine gum leads to transitory elevations in blood pressure accompanied by a decrease in glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and effective renal plasma flow in nonsmokers but not in smokers.

How bad is Nicorette gum for you?

Common side effects from nicotine gum include bleeding gums, too much saliva, hiccups, indigestion, slight swelling of the mouth, injury to teeth or cheeks, nausea, upset stomach and sore throat.

Do pouches cause receding gums?

Nicotine Pouches Side Effects

Unfortunately, these patches are irreversible. They are painless and pose no complications, but regular use may result in severe gum disease, oral cancer, or leukoplakia. The users also experience receding gum lines, bad breath, destroyed gum tissues along with tooth decay and cavities.

Does vaping affect teeth?

Nicotine from e-cigarettes also reduces the saliva in your mouth. Lack of saliva can lead to dry mouth, plaque buildup, increased bacteria, and ultimately tooth decay. Nicotine inhaled during vaping acts as a muscle stimulant. This can cause you to grind your teeth (bruxism) or can make the problem worse.

Can receding gums grow back?

The short answer to this question is no, receding gums do not grow back. Let’s identify what causes receding gums first to give you the opportunity to slow the gum recession. We can also look at treatments for receding gums such that the introduction of a procedure will stop the recession as well.

Is Nicorette gum better than smoking?

Nicotine gum is a better option than smoking.


As your body gets used to less nicotine, you’ll find that your cravings lessen and that’s how you break your dependence on it. While nicotine gum and cigarettes both contain nicotine, smoking is far more dangerous.

Is nicotine gum cancerous?

It’s obviously very addictive and at high doses, it can be very poisonous, but it’s not regarded as a cause cancer. Some studies have suggested that it could influence the growth of cancerous cells, but even that is controversial.

How many 4mg nicotine gums a day?

Most people use 10 to 15 pieces a day. (Do not chew more than 30 pieces of the 2 mg gum or 20 pieces of the 4 mg gum a day.)

Does nicotine gum affect blood sugar?

Nicotine replacement products such as gum, patches, and lozenges are some of the best tools to help you stop smoking—they can double your chances of quitting for good. Products with nicotine raise your blood sugar, so be sure to talk to your doctor about using them if you have diabetes.

What are the benefits of nicotine gum?

Nicotine gum is a handy aid to help you quit smoking. It works by replacing some of the nicotine your body used to get from tobacco. Using nicotine gum can reduce unpleasant withdrawal symptoms such as cravings, anxiety and irritation, making it easier to stick to your goal and help you quit for good.

How do you stop Nicorette gum?

If you’re chewing two or three pieces of nicotine gum per day, start by eliminating just one piece. Substitute a piece of sugar-free gum or a snack instead, and have a plan for a distracting activity should you need it.

Is nicotine gum bad for your liver?

(901 smokers with other medical conditions were treated with nicotine gum or lozenges for 12 weeks; nausea, hiccups and headache were the most common side effects; no mention of hepatotoxicity, but no instances of acute liver injury).

How long should you chew nicotine gum?

Chew Nicorette Gum slowly until you can taste the nicotine or feel a tingling sensation in your mouth. Stop chewing and park the piece of Nicorette between your cheek and gums. After about a minute, when the tingling is almost gone, start chewing again. Repeat this process until the tingle is gone (about 30 minutes).

How long does nicotine gum withdrawal last?

Withdrawal symptoms usually peak after 1–3 days and then decrease over a period of 3–4 weeks. After this time, the body has expelled most of the nicotine, and the withdrawal effects are mainly psychological.

What is the highest mg nicotine gum?

At present the strongest forms of oral NRT contain 4 mg of nicotine. A new gum that contains 6 mg nicotine has been developed with the aim of providing enhanced craving relief for highly dependent smokers (> 20 cigarettes per day) who might benefit from a gum with a higher dose of nicotine.

What strength nicotine gum should I use?

Many smokers should start using the 2-mg dose. However, you may want to start with 4-mg gum if you: Smoke more than 20 cigarettes a day.

Can you drink water while chewing nicotine gum?

Avoid eating and drinking (especially acidic beverages such as coffee, juice, or soft drinks) for 15 minutes before and during chewing of nicotine gum to make sure all the nicotine from the gum can get into your system. 7.
