Is It Common For Dieffenbachia To Flower?


There are a variety of cultivars available, most with variegated white and green, cream and green, or all-green leaves that can be speckled, splotched, or loosely striped. Primarily grown for foliage, dieffenbachia rarely flowers, but when it does, the bloom looks a bit like a peace lily.

How do you cut a dieffenbachia flower?

How to Cut Dieffenbachia Plants

  1. Cut back one overgrown stem to within 6 inches of the soil surface with a clean knife. Make the cut above a leaf or leaf bud. …
  2. Trim the next stem once new growth begins on the first. …
  3. Minimize irrigation as the foliage grows back on the plant.

How do you make a dumb cane bushier?

To keep dieffenbachia from growing leggy, pinch or prune out the new growth at the top regularly. Pruning out new top growth like this will encourage your plant to grow bushier, and stay more compact. If your dumb cane has grown tall and leggy, you can top the plant, or cut it back anywhere on the stem.

Can a dieffenbachia be cut back?

Dieffenbachia can be cut back when it has shed enough of its leaves to expose the stems. The plant can reach 6 feet tall and the large, often variegated, leaves yellow and drop naturally from the bottom of the stems, revealing a canelike trunk. Put on gloves. … Water the plant well to help it recover from the pruning.

Does dumb cane purify air?

Dieffenbachia. Ideal for creating a tropical look, dieffenbachia (sometimes called dumb cane because its poisonous leaves contain a substance that can temporarily numb the vocal cords if consumed) offers lush foliage that takes toxins out of the air, so your family can breathe easier.

How much sunlight does a dieffenbachia need?

Planting and Care

Dieffenbachia prefers diffused sunlight or partial shade, but will tolerate full shade, which is why it is well-suited as a houseplant. It thrives in temperatures between 60 and 75°F. Your dieffenbachia should be watered regularly, with soil being allowed to dry between waterings.

Do dieffenbachia like to be misted?

Dieffenbachia love moisture in the air; more is always better. The goal should be to have a 60 percent humidity level throughout the year. … Misting the plant’s leaves is a temporary help, but isn’t enough to keep the humidity levels sufficient.

How do I bring my dieffenbachia back to life?

What is this? If you overwater, let the root system dry out by waiting 7 to 10 days in between watering. Make sure the plant is repotted into a proper pot if the pot is too large for the roots and remove all of the yellowing or dying leaves from the plant. This should bring the plant back to a healthy state.

Does dumb cane need humidity?

Dumb Cane loves moisture in the air. Place your Dumb Cane plant in an area with a 60% humidity level throughout the year. It prefers temperatures between 62–80°F. Dumb Cane plant is poisonous, and should not be allowed near children or pets.

Do dieffenbachia like to be root bound?

Allowing the plant to become too root bound in its present container can affect proper and healthy growth. Fortunately, the steps to repot the dieffenbachia are basic, and you don’t have to be a garden wizard to be successful.

How fast does dumb cane grow?

Dieffenbachia is a fast-growing plant that can achieve 2 feet in height within a year.


How much water does a dumb cane need?

Dieffenbachia prefer soil that is consistently and lightly moist, but not soggy. Generally, aim to water when the top 1”- 2” of the soil is dry, but if the plant is in a lower light condition, it can comfortably dry out a little further.

Can dumb cane live in water?

Plants can be rooted and grown in water. Plants grown in soil should not be water logged; Dieffenbachia will not tolerate constant overwatering. A relatively moist atmosphere results in vigorous growth, because its large leaves may dry up in a hot room.

Why is my dumb cane turning yellow?

Why does my Dieffenbachia have a yellow stem? Overwatering, low temperature, and too much sun can also cause the stem to turn yellow – similarly to the leaves. Allow the soil to become dry to the touch before watering, keep temperatures between 65 and 75 degrees F, and keep the plant in bright but indirect sunlight.

Why is my Dieffenbachia not growing?

The most common problem with growing dumbcane dieffenbachia is too much moisture. Overwatering is a common problem with many houseplants and the dieffenbachia houseplant is no exception. Plant the dumbcane in a well-draining soil and water lightly, keeping the soil consistently moist, but not soggy.

Should I mist my dumb cane?

Dumb Cane enjoys a warm and humid environment. Be careful to maintain a warm, evenly moist environment as plants kept too cold may experience excessive leaf drop. … This will allow heavy toxins such as chlorine to evaporate while preventing root shock in younger plants. Mist daily in summer and water sparingly in winter.

When should I repot dieffenbachia?

Upon purchasing, if the pot is too small, proceed to repot so that the plant may grow adequately. After that, every 2 or 3 years and preferably in spring, repot your dieffenbachia in a pot of a slightly larger size. The roots hate excess water.

Why is my dieffenbachia so tall?

Dieffenbachia can grow quite tall and they tend to lose their lower leaves which gives them a palm-like shape that is attractive but may get too top-heavy after some time. If the plant gets too tall there are a few remedies. Air- layering is the most successful method.

Can you root dieffenbachia in water?

Rooting Dieffenbachia Plants in Water

Simply cut 4-6″ inches long stem sections and remove the leaves. Pour a glass of water and place the dieffenbachia cuttings into it. You can change the water every few days or so. … If you let the roots grow any longer, it’ll be harder to transplant the stems.

Can you propagate a dumb cane?

The easiest way to propagate your dieffenbachia is by rooting cuttings, either tip cuttings or stem cuttings. Plant these small pieces of greenery in the right medium and they will produce roots and, eventually, an entirely new plant.

Is dieffenbachia poisonous to dogs?

Dieffenbachia is generally known as Dumb Cane, Exotica or Tropic Snow and it’s poisonous to both dogs and cats. This plant’s harmful toxins can result in burning/swelling of the mouth and tongue as well as difficulty in swallowing, vomiting, and increased salivation.
