Is Exciting An Adverb Or Adjective?


Exciting can be a verb, a noun or an adjective.

Is exciting a strong adjective?

exciting, thrilling, or exhilarating? Exhilarating is the strongest of these words and exciting the least strong. Exciting is the most general and can be used to talk about any activity, experience, feeling, or event that excites you.

Is Adventurous an adjective or adverb?

ADVENTUROUS (adjective) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary.

Is adventurer a adjective?

inclined or willing to engage in adventures; enjoying adventures. full of risk; requiring courage; hazardous: an adventurous undertaking.

What is the verb of adventure?

verb. adventured; adventuring əd-​ˈven-​ch(ə-​)riŋ Definition of adventure (Entry 2 of 2) transitive verb. 1 : to expose to danger or loss : venture …

What is a adjective for exciting?

intriguing, thrilling, impressive, interesting, breathtaking, astonishing, appealing, dramatic, flashy, lively, hectic, dangerous, moving, stimulating, provocative, overwhelming, bracing, rousing, arresting, overpowering.

What are some exciting adjectives?

Synonyms & Antonyms of exciting

  • breathtaking,
  • charged,
  • electric,
  • electrifying,
  • exhilarating,
  • exhilarative,
  • galvanic,
  • galvanizing,

What is a adjective for excited?

enthusiastic, eager, buoyant, delighted, desirous, elated, jovial, joyful, joyous, thrilled, ecstatic, encouraged, engaged, enlivened, enraptured, enthused, euphoric, excitable, exhilarated, glad, great, interested, motivated, overjoyed, rhapsodic, stoked, willing, craving, electrified, exuberant, exultant, gung ho, …

How do you say something is exciting?


  1. interested. adjective. wanting to know about or take part in something.
  2. excited. adjective. …
  3. alive. adjective. …
  4. fascinated. adjective. …
  5. exuberant. adjective. …
  6. absorbed. adjective. …
  7. agog. adjective. …
  8. flushed with success/triumph etc. phrase.

How do you describe exciting?

We use the word exhilarating to describe exciting experiences, especially when they involve physical feelings or actions. The people experiencing the excitement are exhilarated: … The word heady is used to describe situations or periods of time where someone feels happy and excited.

What is the noun of exciting?

noun. noun. /ɪkˈsaɪtmənt/ 1 the state of feeling excited The news caused great excitement among her friends. to feel a surge/thrill/shiver of excitement He was flushed with excitement at the thought.


Is exciting an adverb?

ex•cit•ing•ly, adv.

exciting is used when the noun referred to is the person or thing that causes the excitement:The movie is exciting (= the movie is causing excitement).

Is very a adverb?

Very can be used in the following ways: as an adverb (before adjectives and adverbs): It had been a long day and he was very tired. I always walk very quickly. She writes very well.

Is am a verb or noun?

The definition of am is a verb that is used with the word I as the first person singular version of the verb be. … An example of when the word am would be used is when saying you are having dinner.

What are good adjectives to describe?

  • Reliable – Able to be relied upon. …
  • Resourceful – Able to quickly solve problems. …
  • Sensible – Practical; level-headed. …
  • Sincere – Expressing genuine sentiments and feelings. …
  • Sympathetic – Showing sympathy for others. …
  • Trustworthy – Able to be trusted; honest. …
  • Witty – Charming and funny.

What is the adjective for adventure?

the adjective form of adventure is adventurous .

What is an adventurous person called?

daring, daredevil, intrepid, venturesome, bold, audacious, fearless, brave, unafraid, unshrinking, undaunted, dauntless, valiant, valorous, heroic, dashing. confident, enterprising.

What is the plural of adventure?

adventure /ədˈvɛntʃɚ/ noun. plural adventures.

Is admired an adjective?

admire is a verb, admirable is an adjective, admiration is a noun:I admire your courage. Your courage is admirable. I have great admiration for your courage. See -mir-.

What is the adjective for benefit?

benefit is both a noun and a verb, beneficial is an adjective:His insurance plan provides medical benefits.

What is the adjective for friend?

❤️The adjective form of friend is friendly.❤️

What is the noun from of excited?

excitation. The act of exciting or putting in motion; the act of rousing up or awakening. The act of producing excitement (stimulation); also, the excitement produced.

Is excitement a common noun?

the state of being excited (emotionally aroused). something that excites.
