How Often Should I Water My Tillandsia?


Air Plants can survive long periods of time with little to no water. But, they will not thrive in this environment. Eventually they will die off without enough water. Unrooted recommends you soak your Air Plants for 10 minutes once a week.

How do you water a Tillandsia?


  1. Every one to two weeks, soak your air plant in room temperature tap water (or rain/pond water if you can find it) for 5-10 minutes.
  2. After soaking gently shake excess water from your plant. …
  3. From the time soaking ends, the plant should be able to dry fully in no more than 3 hours.

Can you keep Tillandsia in water?

The roots serve only to attach the air plant to a host tree or rock or even the ground, nothing more. Soak your air plants in a bowl of water for 20 minutes to an hour every week to 10 days is best.

Do air plants get bigger?

Don’t get discouraged just yet, Tillandsias (air plants) are actually pretty slow growing plants. If given proper care, they will grow and eventually bloom, it just takes some time! … While seed grown plants do grow much slower, they tend to be bigger and better specimens than plants grown as offset.

Can I soak my air plant overnight?

If your air plant is ever looking ‘thirsty’ or like it’s struggling, you can soak them in water (in a bowl or sink) for several hours or overnight. This can often help to revive your tillandsia. When watering your tillandsia, rainwater or pond water are best.

Do you soak air plants upside down?

After you are through soaking your air plants, always turn them upside down on a towel to dry for at least an hour. This prevents water from collecting in the crown of the plant, which is the main cause of rot. Bulbous air plants are especially susceptible to this.

How long do air plants live?

Air plant blooms have a different lifespan – some lasting only few days to 2-4 weeks. However, some larger air plants’ blooms, such as t. xerographica, can last for much longer, for around a year. To make your air plant’s bloom last longer, make sure not to soak it or water it at all.

Why do air plants turn yellow?

If your air plant is turning yellow, it can be caused by too much light or too much water. When a plant turns yellow, it is saying “help!” Cut back on watering and if your plant is in an area with direct sun, move it to an area of more indirect light.

Do air plants need sunlight?

In general, tillandsias (AKA air plants) prefer bright, but indirect, filtered light. … Because they require indirect light, air plants make great office plants as long as they get some light, either indirectly from a window source, or artificially from full spectrum fluorescent lights.

How can you tell if air plants are alive?

If they remove easily, they are dead. If the whole plant falls apart when you do this, you’ve got a dead air plant that has already bit the dust, unfortunately. However, if only a few leaves come off and the inside leaves are green and healthy-looking, your air plant is going to make it with the proper care!

Can you put air plants in rocks?

In fact the majority of air plants should NOT be planted in soil. You can easily layer moss, sand, or rock to create variation and texture in your terrarium. >You don’t want your air plants sitting against any moisture in their terrariums or holders, so make sure whatever base you use is completely dry. >

Can you soak air plants in tap water?

Air plants are fine with tap water, but make sure that the quality of tap water in your area is good. In most areas, tap water lacks important minerals and has chemicals as well. It is best to use water from a well, pond, spring or lake. But, the best water to use would be rainwater.


Is tap water safe for air plants?

Air plants aren’t too picky when it comes to water, and most tap water is just fine, but it depends on the water quality in your area. The best water to use: rain water, aquarium water, or pond water because these are more rich in nutrients (note: if using one of these waters, don’t add any additional fertilizer).

Can air plants live inside?

Bright filtered or indirect light is ideal for indoor air plants. Some direct sun works, too (morning is better), but they shouldn’t be baking all day. Think “rainforest” and do your best to reproduce those conditions in a small space.

How long do air plants live without water?

How long can mesic air plants go without water? Mesic air plants can go around two weeks without water. Keeping in mind the plant can survive alive in most cases but not thriving.

Can you take cuttings from air plants?

All you need is a sharp blade or knife, some good light and a new place to grow the removed pups. Simply cut the pup away from the mother at its base. Do your best to not damage the pup and error on the side of cutting more from the mother than the pup. It’s actually a very simple procedure that anyone can do.

Can air plants have babies?

On average, air plants will create 1 to 3 pups after the blooming process. Some varieties can product many, many more. Separating Pups from the mother plant: You can gently remove offsets from the mother plant when they grow to be about 1/3 the size of the mother.

Can you soak an air plant too long?

If the flower is wet for a prolonged period of time, it can cause rot, which in turn could cause rot to take over the leaves and kill the plant. Remember, it is better to underwater slightly rather than overwater your air plants.

Where do you put air plants?

Air plants do best with at least a few hours of bright, indirect sun daily. Placement within 1 to 3 feet of an east- or west-facing window, or within a foot or two of an artificial light source is ideal. If you keep them well watered, they can have hotter, more direct sun and longer exposure.

How often do you spray air plants?

Mist your plant every 4-5 days with one spray for tiny globes, 2-3 sprays for globes 3-5 inches, more if the plant is in a large open globe. The key is to judge the drying time, the smaller the globe, the less circulation, the longer the plant will hold the moisture. If you over water the plant will die.

Why does my air plant look dry?

If your Tillandsia isn’t looking its best, especially if it’s shriveled or brown, there’s a good chance that the plant is extremely thirsty. Although misting the plant is often recommended, spritzing usually doesn’t provide enough moisture to keep the plant healthy and hydrated.

Why is my air plant turning GREY?

The good news is that your air plant is not dying when your air plant turns very white or gray. The trichromes are simply becoming more pronounced, causing the plant to look paler than usual, when the air plant lacks water. … Shake off any extra water after the soak and let your air plant dry within 4 hours of watering.

Why are the tips of my air plant turning brown?

Your air plant may be getting too much sun. While they do enjoy being in nice filtered sunlight, if they are in direct sun all day long, this can cause your plant to get sunburned and turn brown. Browning leaf tips can also occur from not watering your plant enough.
