How Much Noise Do Shutters Block Out?


Although window shutters will drastically reduce the amount of outside noise that enters your home, they cannot eliminate noise that enters by other means. … Shutters will dramatically reduce sound exposure in any room but cannot work alone to battle noise that enters through unsealed air gaps.

When should you not use shutters?

You should not add shutters to the following:

  1. Double mulled windows.
  2. Windows that are winder than they are tall.
  3. Bay windows.
  4. One side of a window, leaving the opposite side unshuttered.
  5. Windows that are so close, an open shutter would obscure part of the adjoining window.

Do shutters make house look smaller?

Shutter colors for beige house

White shutters, if matched to your window trim, can make a smaller house appear larger. Black shutters can especially pop on larger homes. Think of other dark colors, too.

Do houses look better without shutters?

Today, shutters are used extensively all over the world, for functional and aesthetic purposes. Do all houses need shutters? Absolutely not, and many, many houses would look much better without shutters, rather than with “today’s” shutters.

Do wooden shutters keep out noise?

One question that is commonly asked is do wooden shutters block noise? A simple answer is yes! Wooden shutters work wonders when it comes to noise blocking. Many people have been using thick curtains as their go-to method of keeping unwanted noise at bay but the curtains do not always work the way you want it to.

Do plantation shutters keep heat in?

Interior plantation shutters are one of the most energy efficient window dressings that you can use. They will help reduce heat loss in the winter months and reduce heat gain in the summer. Shutters are excellent insulators and will trap the cold air between your shutter and the window.

Do plantation shutters reduce outside noise?

Heavy curtains will only muffle the external noise, while plantation shutters will prevent noise from entering the room at all. … Many people choose wood or vinyl shutters, but aluminium plantation shutters provide the same aesthetic appeal and practical function, as well as a better barrier against noise.

How do I stop noise coming through my house windows?

5 Smart Tips for Soundproofing Windows

  1. Install window inserts. …
  2. Replace single-pane windows with double-pane equivalents. …
  3. Seal gaps along windows with acoustic caulk. …
  4. Hang sound-dampening curtains. …
  5. Install double-cell shades.

Do plantation shutters block the view?

Unlike shades that can be opened completely and hidden from view, plantation shutters will always be in the window. In addition, if your windows tilt in, then their function can be inhibited by these shutters.

What is the difference between plantation shutters and regular shutters?

Unlike traditional shutters which have a limited range of materials and designs, plantation shutters offer a wide variety in colours, sizes, designs, and materials. … Plantation shutters have wider louvers compared to the narrow and smaller louvers of traditional shutters.

Do plantation shutters darken a room?

Conclusion! Shutters do not use any room darkening fabric or material, but their functionality turns them into room darkening window solution. According to the window designers, shutters are more effective than blinds and shades when it comes to controlling sunlight.

Do plantation shutters add value to a home?

High-End Window Treatments Like Polywood Plantation Shutters

They are a permanent addition to your home and increase its resale value. … Plantation shutters are not only durable, but also energy efficient, which means potential home buyers will spend less money on utilities.


Do Aluminium shutters reduce noise?

Aluminium roller shutters have the potential to reduce outside noise by up to 75 percent. The result is that indoor space tend to be a lot quieter making it that much easier to concentrate and detach yourself from the noise just outside your home.

Should I put shutters on all windows?

Contrary to popular belief, not every window needs shutters. … Proper shutters should at least appear large enough to cover the entirety of the window when shut (as that’s, you know, the whole point of shutters). Shutters should be avoided on double-mulled windows, picture windows, bay windows, and most dormer windows.

Do you have curtains with shutters?

No, you most certainly do not need to have curtains with interior shutters. In fact, alongside their ability to retain heat and their flexibility to providing light and privacy simultaneously, many customers opt for window shutters rather than curtains for their low maintenance appeal.

What is the point of fake shutters?

If your shutters don’t shut, they are fake. Shutters were designed to cover your window for a multitude of reasons. They protect against storms or other inclement weather. The provide relief from the hot summer sun and cold winter winds.

Why are plantation shutters so expensive?

Why are plantation shutters expensive? Plantation shutters cost more because they are a long-lasting window treatment. Their materials are often pricier than those used for blinds and curtains. They take much longer to install as well.

How long do plantation shutters last?

Plantation shutters are by far the most low maintenance window covering available. Depending on the shutter manufacturer and the material of the shutters, they can be expected to last for 10-25 years.

Are shutters suitable for bedrooms?

Shutters are ideal for bedrooms as they really flex with the seasons. … Closed shutters will help keep your room cool during the hotter months and create a snug feel at night. Shutters can also help reduce noise for a great night’s sleep.

Is plantation shutters worth the money?

Whether you’re looking to increase the value of your home or save on energy costs, plantation shutters have something to offer. Overall, plantation shutters are worth the investment. … Plantation shutters are durable, long-lasting, and practical.

Why do they call them plantation shutters?

A huge clue to the origin of Plantation Shutters is in the name. They originate in the American South, from the large farms or estates that typically grew coffee, tobacco, cotton or sugar, that were more commonly known as Plantations. … Larger slats means overall there are fewer slats per Shutter.

Is it easy to DIY plantation shutters?

DIY is the perfect option for you! Our DIY shutter range saves you money. They are custom made to your measurement and are easy to install. Installation has never been this easier.

What are the disadvantages of plantation shutters?


  • HIGHER PRICE POINT. I’d say the con that most often deters clients from choosing shutters is their cost. …
  • NO HIDING. …
