How Much Do You Get Paid When Retrenched?


If employed for less than six months – one week’s notice; if employed for more than six months but not more than one year – two weeks’ notice and if employed for more than a year – four weeks’ notice. Domestic and farm workers, who have been employed for more than six months, must receive four weeks’ notice.

What are the legal requirements for retrenchment?

The retrenchment package

The employer is legally obligated to pay retrenched employees “severance pay”, being one week’s pay for each completed year of service. This amount may be higher if the employee’s contract says so, or if the industry rate is higher due to a Collective Agreement.

What does a retrenchment package include?

What payments can you expect as retrenchment benefits? Severance pay – this should be at least one week’s remuneration per completed year of service. Remuneration is calculated including basic salary and payments in kind. Outstanding leave must be paid out in full.

How is retrenchment benefit calculated?

Retrenchment Benefits

The amount to be paid is as follows: Less than two years, 10 days’ wages for every year of employment; Two years or more but less than five years, 15 days’ wages for every year of employment; Five years or more, 20 days’ wages for every year of employment.

How does retrenchment work during lockdown?

How does retrenchment work during this period? Is anyone allowed to get retrenched? Employers are not precluded from retrenching employees during the national lockdown, provided the employer has a valid operational reason to implement retrenchments and follows the procedures set out in section 189 of the LRA.

Can you refuse retrenchment?

Of course, you can refuse retrenchment, which means the consultations have deadlocked. If you are the only person being retrenched, you can refer the dispute either to arbitration or to the Labour Court, irrespective of whether the retrenchment procedure complied with section 189.

Can a employee ask for retrenchment?

The offer of voluntary retrenchment can be made by either the employer or the employee at any time during the consultation process and before notice of forced termination is given to the employee.

What is unfair retrenchment?

It is a process wherein the employer reviews the business needs, profitability and other operational factors in order to increase profits or limit losses. … However, if an employer doesn’t provide the proper reasons and doesn’t follow the proper procedures, the CCMA or Labour Court can consider the retrenchment unfair.

What are my rights if I get retrenched?

Severance pay – a retrenched employee must at least be paid 1 week’s pay for each completed year of ongoing service. … if the employee was employed for more than 6 months but less than 1 year, s/he must be paid 2 weeks’ notice pay; if the employee was employed for more than 1 year, s/he must be paid 4 weeks’ notice pay.

How long can an employee be laid off?

In addition, there are a number of technical requirements in Alberta regarding how notice must be drafted and given. To ensure that these requirements are met, consulting with legal counsel would be advisable. Generally, layoffs are limited to 60 days within a 120-day period.

Can you retrench during Covid 19?

Employees cannot be retrenched immediately. If a facilitator is appointed, a final notice of retrenchment may only be delivered to the employee after 60 days from the date of which the section 189 Notice was received by the employee.


How is termination pay calculated?

Severance pay is equivalent to one week’s pay for each year of your employment with the dismissing employer to a maximum of 26 weeks. For example, if you earned $1,000 per week and were terminated after 7 years and 6 months of employment you would be entitled to $7,500 severance pay ($1,000 x 7.5 years = $7,500).

How is severance pay calculated?

Accordingly, you would divide your yearly salary by 52 to get the weekly pay rate. Then, multiply this pay rate by the number of weeks. If you earn $39,000 a year, then you make $750 a week. If you worked for the company for 10 years, then you would get $7,500 in severance.

Do you pay tax on retrenchment package?

Of your severance package, your severance pay will be taxed like a lump sum in the same way that a retirement fund is taxed.

Do you get paid after dismissal?

Generally, upon resignation or dismissal, an employee is entitled to be paid the notice pay where applicable, salary up to last day worked, plus any outstanding leave pay. … Accrued retirement fund benefits will also become payable to the employee in terms of the rules of the fund.

How much severance pay is normal?

The severance pay offered is typically one to two weeks for every year worked, but it can be more. If the job loss will create an economic hardship, discuss this with your (former) employer. The general practice is to try to get four weeks of severance pay for each year worked.

Do I get UIF if I voluntary retrenchment?

Can I claim from the UIF fund if I have resigned? No, cannot claim if you have resigned from the job. You can only claim unemployment benefits if you have been dismissed or retrenched or if the contract has expired.

Is it compulsory to pay retrenchment benefit?

Is it compulsory for employers to pay retrenchment benefit? … While retrenchment benefit is not mandated by law, MOM strongly encourages employers to adhere to the advisories, including to provide retrenchment benefit to help affected employees while they search for employment.

Can I be forced to take a pay cut?

Most of the time it is legal to reduce an employee’s pay but there are some instances in which it isn’t. Surprise – A surprise pay cut is illegal. Employers must pay employees the agreed-upon rate. If employers wish to change that rate, they can do so but first employees must agree to it.

What are the alternatives to retrenchment?

Alternatives to retrenchment and the consultation process

  • the reductions or changes to terms and conditions of employment;
  • lay-off;
  • short-time, placing a moratorium on new appointments, overtime or Sunday work;
  • transferring affected employees to other jobs in the employer’s business or group;

Can you be sacked during lockdown?

During the COVID-19 pandemic, some employers may dismiss employees by reason of ‘redundancy’, ‘conduct’ or ‘some other substantial reason’.

Do employees accrue leave during lockdown?

Do employees continue to accrue annual leave during the lockdown period? In relation to employees in essential services and those who are working remotely, the answer is simple: yes, they continue to accrue leave. The issue is somewhat more complex in respect of employees who are not able to work during this time.

Can an employer refuse leave?

Annual leave may not be sold back to the employer, and the employer may not purchase annual leave days from an employee. … It simply means that should the employee request to take the leave, then the employer cannot refuse that request.
