How Many Dauntless Transfers Are There?


In a world divided into five factions based on beliefs and values, Beatrice (Tris) Prior must make the choice that decides the path she will take for the rest of her life. Tris Prior has chosen the dauntless as her faction.

Do Tobias and Christina fall in love?

To the surprise of many fans, Four and Christina fall in love. … It can be argued that even if Roth had decided to create a new character for Tobias Eaton to love, readers who disapprove of Christina would be just as unhappy with a new character.

Were Christina and Will together?

Their relationship continues through the end of initiations where they celebrate becoming Dauntless members together. At the end of the book, Tris is worried if she will ever see Christina again and is terrified to think what will happen when Christina finds Will’s lifeless body in the streets.

Why is Tris called Six?

This is how Tobias got the nickname “Four”. Tris originally had 7 fears, but later had 6 which included: To be devoured by crows – symbolic of her family turning on her/powerlessness. Drowning in a tank of water – symbolic of weakness and inability to escape.

What does Tris realize about herself?

What does Tris realize about herself? She will always be part Abnegation. What embarrassing fear is revealed in Tris’ landscape? She is afraid of intimacy with Four.

Was Tris pregnant in Allegiant?

Was Tris pregnant in Allegiant? Back at Dauntless, Tris and Tobias made a mistake, and that result ended her up getting pregnant, although she didn’t know it.

Are Caleb and Tris twins?

Tris is Caleb’s younger sister. Caleb often reprimands Tris over her un-Abnegation behavior. They have a good relationship. They are a few months apart in age, so they take their aptitude tests in the same year.

What three people does Christina reveal that she hates?

Christina reveals that she hates Peter, Drew, and Molly, a trio of inseparable Candor initiates she’s known since childhood, and calls Peter “pure evil.” As Al and Will hesitate to begin their fight, Four says they are allowed to concede, while Eric insists that each pair must battle until someone is unable to continue …

What are the two groups the new Dauntless members are split up into called?

The factions are Dauntless (the brave), Amity (the kind), Erudite (the intelligent), Abnegation (the selfless), and Candor (the honest). On an appointed day every year, 16-year-olds select the faction to which they will devote the rest of their lives after they take a placement test.

Why does Tris get an abnegation tattoo?

As Tris notes, tattoos “are a part of life here” with the Dauntless—and here is where she lives (19.29). … Unlike the “these birds represent my family” tattoo, the Abnegation seal symbolizes who Tris is and will always be on some level. She may be Dauntless, but she’s also got some Abnegation in her.

Why are there no old Dauntless?

When you become elderly and passed physical prime, they must leave the faction. There are two choices: death or becoming factionless. This is why there are no elderly Dauntless in the compound.


Do Tris and Four sleep together in the books?

This doesn’t happen as Tris never escaped the Erudite headquarters. Tris has an injury in her shoulder because she was shot in the previous book. … Tris and Four don’t have sex until Allegiant. Tris and Four have sex.

How did Tris’s mother save her?

Natalie Prior is the mother of Beatrice “Tris” Prior and Caleb Prior and wife of Andrew Prior. She was born in Dauntless to a Dauntless leader. When Jeanine sentences Tris to death, she comes to her rescue. She saves her from drowning in the tank and also reveals that she herself is Divergent.

Why does Tris say Four Divergent?

When Tris wakes up in the Dauntless dorm room and sees everyone moving robotically she does what any smart person would do. … Tris believes he was drugged too until on the train car he squeezes her hand and mouths to her “run.” So this was really strong evidence that Four was divergent, just like Tris.

What does Tris do during the simulation that reveals to Four that she is Divergent?

She cracks the glass with her hand, and it shatters. When she wakes up, Four is perplexed. He takes her out into the hallway and tells her that her ability to manipulate the simulation shows she’s Divergent. … Tris seeks out Tori, who explains that all Divergent people seem to have this ability.

What are Tris’s 6 fears?

Tris’s fears include being devoured by crows, drowning in a tank, being kidnapped in her Abnegation bedroom, killing her family, the ocean and rocks, and being burned at the stake. Tris was able to get past all her fears in record breaking time, which Four was impressed by.

How much older is four than Tris?

In Veronica Roth’s Divergent, Four is 18 years old when he meets 16-year-old Tris. “Theo James who plays the love interest in my film is 28, in the book his character is 18, but in the movie we’re making him about 24/25. He’s kind of ageless in a way.

Who killed Tris in Divergent?

This is generally understood as a suicide mission, and, although Tris manages to escape the death serum, she is shot by David, the head of the Bureau, just as her mission is accomplished. As she dies, Tris sees a vision of her mother reaching out to her.

What happens to Tobias after Tris dies?

In the epilogue, he helps Evelyn, his mother, transition to life outside the city, and he’s finally able to mourn the loss of Tris by scattering her ashes over the city.

Is Peter Hayes Divergent?

Reader discretion is advised. Peter Hayes is a central antagonist in Divergent, who was originally from Candor and is one of Tris Prior’s mortal enemies. Throughout the course of the first novel, Peter is shown to be cruel, antagonistic, ill-tempered and easily jealous.

Who does Tobias Eaton end up with?

Tris eventually reconciles with Tobias, finally feeling comfortable and the two make love for the first time. The two stay together to fight against the Bureau.
