How Many Assortments Of Maternal And Paternal Chromosomes Are?


The 22 pairs of homologous chromosomes contain the same genes but code for different traits in their allelic forms since one was inherited from the mother and one from the father. So humans have two homologous chromosome sets in each cell, meaning humans are diploid organisms.

How many assortments of maternal and paternal chromosomes are possible in gametes?

Maternal and paternal chromosomes are randomly distributed on either side of the metaphase plate. So for each pair there’s a 50/50 chance as to which side the homologs will go on (8.17). We have 23 pairs each with 50/50 probabilities. That works out to 223 possible combinations of gametes from one human individual.

Why are there only 23 chromosomes in gametes?

Gametes are produced by a special type of cell division known as meiosis. Meiosis contains two rounds of cell division without DNA replication in between. This process reduces the number of chromosomes by half. … Therefore, gametes have only 23 chromosomes, not 23 pairs.

What gender is an XXY chromosome?

Usually, a female baby has 2 X chromosomes (XX) and a male has 1 X and 1 Y (XY). But in Klinefelter syndrome, a boy is born with an extra copy of the X chromosome (XXY). The X chromosome is not a “female” chromosome and is present in everyone. The presence of a Y chromosome denotes male sex.

Can a woman have XY chromosomes?

The X and Y chromosomes are called “sex chromosomes” because they contribute to how a person’s sex develops. Most males have XY chromosomes and most women have XX chromosomes. But there are girls and women who have XY chromosomes. This can happen, for example, when a girl has androgen insensitivity syndrome.

What does 2n 14 mean?

2n=14, which means that this organism has 7 pairs of chromosomes(7*2=14).

How many chromosomes do gametes have?

In humans, gametes are haploid cells that contain 23 chromosomes, each of which a one of a chromosome pair that exists in diplod cells. The number of chromosomes in a single set is represented as n, which is also called the haploid number.

How many genetic combinations are possible per child?

Which chromosome from each of the 23 homologous pairs of both parents is inherited is a matter of chance. There are 8,324,608 possible combinations of 23 chromosome pairs.

How many chromosomes are in a sperm?

Chromatin is packed in a specific way into the 23 chromosomes inside human spermatozoa. The differences in the chromatin organization within sperm and somatic cells chromosomes are due to differences in the molecular structure of the protamine DNA-complexes in spermatozoa.

What two chromosomes make a boy?

Men determine the sex of a baby depending on whether their sperm is carrying an X or Y chromosome. An X chromosome combines with the mother’s X chromosome to make a baby girl (XX) and a Y chromosome will combine with the mother’s to make a boy (XY).

How many chromosomes do humans have Down syndrome?

Typically, a baby is born with 46 chromosomes. Babies with Down syndrome have an extra copy of one of these chromosomes, chromosome 21. A medical term for having an extra copy of a chromosome is ‘trisomy. ‘ Down syndrome is also referred to as Trisomy 21.


How many chromosomes are in your germline cells?

Germ line cells are haploid, which means they contain a single set of chromosomes. In diploid cells, one set of chromosomes is inherited from the individual’s mother, while the second is inherited from the father. Humans have 46 chromosomes in each diploid cell.

Why do chromosomes assort independently?

Genes that are far apart on the same chromosome also assort independently thanks to the crossing over, or exchange of homologous chromosome bits, that occurs early in meiosis I. … When genes are close together on a chromosome, the alleles on the same chromosome tend to be inherited as a unit more frequently than not.

What is metaphase II?

Metaphase II is the second stage in meiosis II. … The cell is in metaphase II when the chromosomes align themselves along the metaphase plate through the facilitation of the spindle fibers. The spindle fibers are now attached to the two kinetochores contained in the centromere of each chromosome.

What is the gender of YY?

Males with XYY syndrome have 47 chromosomes because of the extra Y chromosome. This condition is also sometimes called Jacob’s syndrome, XYY karyotype, or YY syndrome. According to the National Institutes of Health, XYY syndrome occurs in 1 out of every 1,000 boys.

What is the main difference between Chromatin and chromosomes?

Chromatin is a complex formed by histones packaging the DNA double helix. Chromosomes are structures of proteins and nucleic acids found in the living cells and carry genetic material. Chromatin is composed of nucleosomes. Chromosomes are composed of condensed chromatin fibers.

How many chromosomes does two gametes have?

Human body cells have 46 chromosomes, while human gametes (sperm or eggs) have 23 chromosomes each. A typical body cell, or somatic cell, contains two matched sets of chromosomes, a configuration known as diploid.

What does 2n 4 mean?

In this example, a diploid body cell contains 2n = 4 chromosomes, 2 from mom and two from dad.

Can an XY female get pregnant?

Males and most XY females cannot become pregnant because they don‘t have a uterus. The uterus is where the fetus develops, and pregnancy isn’t possible without it. In most cases, having a Y chromosome means having no uterus, so pregnancy isn’t possible.

What is an XY woman?

XY gonadal dysgenesis, also known as Swyer syndrome, is a type of hypogonadism in a person whose karyotype is 46,XY. Though they typically have normal female external genitalia, the person has functionless gonads, fibrous tissue termed “streak gonads”, and if left untreated, will not experience puberty.

Can a female have Y chromosome?

Most females with a Y chromosome have underdeveloped gonads that are prone to developing tumours and usually removed. However, when surgeons operated with the intention of removing the gonads they found normal-looking ovaries in the girl, and took only a tissue sample.
