How Do You Use The Word Explication?


Any difference in meaning? Explanation is the general word for explaining anything that’s puzzling or unclear. Explication is used mainly in the context of unfolding the meaning of a literary text, as in literary criticism or textual interpretation.

What is the purpose of an explication?

The word explication comes from the Latin ex (out or out from) and plicare (to fold)–literally, to fold out. When you explicate, you unfold the layers of meaning that lie beneath the surface of the literal text. The purpose of explication is to reveal the theme of a given text.

How do you define explication?

Explication is the process of making something clearer. When you carefully explain your performance art piece to your mystified parents, you can describe what you’re doing as an explication.

What are the 4 steps in explication?

Terms in this set (16)

  1. analyze a meaning of a concept label (term or phrase)
  2. describe the essential qualities of a concept.
  3. identify the key dimensions of a concept (optional)
  4. identify ways in which the concept and dimensions may be connected to the real world.

What is explication example?

When someone attempts to explicate a text, there is a focus on the structures of the text-the plot, setting, point of view, characters. … Examples of Explication: Here is the last stanza of Robert Frost’s “The Road Not Taken,” and a possible explication.

What should be included in an explication?

An explication essay examines sentences, passages, poems, verses or text from longer literary works to explain and interpret on a more detailed level. It requires a close reading of the material. It should have a sharp focus because the content is relatively small.

How do you end an explication?

The explication has no formal concluding paragraph; do not simply restate the main points of the introduction! The end of the explication should focus on sound effects or visual patterns as the final element of asserting an explanation.

What is the theme of the poem?

Theme is the lesson or message of the poem.

What is an explication in English?

explication in British English

(ˌɛksplɪˈkeɪʃən ) noun. the act or process of explicating. analysis or interpretation, esp of a literary passage or work or philosophical doctrine.

What does explicate mean English?

transitive verb. 1 : to give a detailed explanation of. 2 : to develop the implications of : analyze logically.

What is Expaciate?

expatiate • ek-SPAY-shee-ayt • verb. 1 : to move about freely or at will : wander 2 : to speak or write at length or in detail.

What are the three ways in explaining a concept?

In contemporary philosophy, there are at least three prevailing ways to understand what a concept is:

  • Concepts as mental representations, where concepts are entities that exist in the mind (mental objects)
  • Concepts as abilities, where concepts are abilities peculiar to cognitive agents (mental states)

How do you use implicate in a sentence?

Implicate sentence example

  1. The knife was left up there to implicate me. …
  2. Maybe it was left up there to implicate you, but there’s a good chance it was just plain dropped by accident. …
  3. Any one sign is not enough to implicate anyone, but if the totality of her behavior seems suspicious, chances are something is going on.

What was the tone of the poem?

The tone of a poem is the attitude you feel in it — the writer’s attitude toward the subject or audience. The tone in a poem of praise is approval. In a satire, you feel irony. In an antiwar poem, you may feel protest or moral indignation.

How long should an explication essay be?

Similar to an analysis essay, an explication essay examines sentences, verses or passages pulled from longer literary works, to interpret and explain on a detailed level. These mini-essays, typically a single page or less, require a close reading of the text to perform a proper interpretation of the quotation.

How do you find the point of view of a poem?

Just like fiction, the poem is written in a specific point of view:

  1. First-person (I, me, my, we, us, our)
  2. Second-person (you, your)
  3. Third-person (he, she, it, him, her, his, hers, its, they, them, theirs).

How do you write a proper explication?

One writes an explication by paying close attention to the meaning of words, to their sounds, to their placement in lines and sentences. One then explains how the parts contribute to the whole. This exercise trains the ear, eye, and mind. It develops critical faculties and discipline.

How do you write an explication of a poem?

How to Explicate a Poem

  1. State, very literally and in one or two sentences, what the poem is about. …
  2. What is the emotion of the poem? …
  3. Look at the poem. …
  4. Listen to the sounds of the poem. …
  5. How did the poet organize the poem, and why? …
  6. Be very alert to word choice.

What is explication in academic writing?

Explication is a term in research and literary criticism for the close analysis of a text or of an excerpt from a longer text. … The term is derived from explication de texte (explanation of text), the practice in French literary studies of closely examining the language of a text to determine meaning.

What is the difference between explication and analysis?

To put it another way: analysis divides something that looks like one thing and breaks it into little things. Explication expands each of the little things by assigning meaning, trying to unite lots of little things underneath one bigger thing.

What is a explication approach?

Explication de texte, (French: “explanation of text”) a method of literary criticism involving a detailed examination of each part of a work, such as structure, style, and imagery, and an exposition of the relationship of these parts to each other and to the whole work.

What is an explication of a poem?

A poetry explication is an analytical essay that comments on a poem’s elements and possible meanings. In other words, writers make connections between the narrative of the poem and the literary choices the poet uses to convey that narrative such as imagery, tone, rhythm and meter, and word choice.
