How Do You Kill Majordomo?


Firelands is a raid instance, released with patch 4.2. 0 on June 28, 2011. It can be entered through Sulfuron Spire in Mount Hyjal. It is a domain of Ragnaros the Firelord, from where he endlessly sends his elemental and mortal minions in order to fulfill his ultimate goal of destroying Nordrassil.

How do you pull Shannox?

In order to get to Shannox, you must clear a large amount of trash all throughout the zone until he finally come out from behind Baleroc’s gate. He will then patrol around in a large circle.

How do you play only the penitent with two players?

Meaning you can get people to go one at a time, kneel at the orb then right click to channel and wait for the others. When there are 2 people either side channelling, get the last 2 people on each side to cross and kneel before the orb (don’t channel yet).

Why is ragnaros not spawning?

If you’ve killed any of the previous bosses on Normal he won’t appear, say like you entered the instance on Normal and didn’t realize it, killed the first boss, then switched to Heroic for the rest. He just won’t show up. You have to kill all the bosses on Heroic for him to appear.

How do you summon Ragnaros solo?

You will need 7 people who have completed a quest chain with the Hydraxian Waterlords who will douse the 7 runes guarded by some of the MC bosses. Then after the runes are doused, you will be able to fight Majordomo. After you defeat Majordomo he will go to Rag’s room where he can summon Rag.

How do I get Druid of the Flame?

There are currently about three ways to obtain this buff. Fandral’s Flamescythe is a level 85 staff dropped by Majordomo Staghelm, the sixth boss in Firelands. It has an 11% drop chance and will turn you into a Druid of the Flame when in combat – only if you’re in cat form, however.

What happened Malfurion Stormrage?

Although Sargeras knew that the portal was closing, he tried to do the unthinkable – step into the portal to recreate it and enter Azeroth. The portal finally collapsed and trapped Sargeras in it. The Well of Eternity exploded in a catastrophic eruption that left the world sundered forever. However, Malfurion survived.

Where is the Druid Grove in darnassus?

Fandral Staghelm, the Arch Druid, can be found in the Cenarion Enclave of the city Darnassus, at the top of the main enclave building.


What is the rarest mount in wow?

World of Warcraft: 14 Rarest Mounts In The Game, Ranked

  1. 1 Black Qiraji Resonating Crystal.
  2. 2 Ashes of Al’ar. …
  3. 3 Deathcharger’s Reins. …
  4. 4 Solar Spirehawk. …
  5. 5 Son Of Galleon. …
  6. 6 Silent Glider. …
  7. 7 Thundering Cobalt Cloud Serpent. …
  8. 8 Heavenly Onyx Cloud Serpent. …

Do Firelands Mounts drop on normal?

They can drop on any difficulty and in any raid size.

Does ragnaros drop a mount?

Smoldering Egg of Millagazor is a rare epic flying mount that drops with a 1% chance from the Ragnaros in the Firelands raid.

What mounts drop from Firelands?

Flametalon of Alysrazor (aka Flaming Anzu) is a rare epic ground mount that drops from the elemental firehawk boss, Alysrazor, in the Firelands. It has a 4% drop rate and requires 150 riding skill to ride. It is available in both 10-player and 25-player versions of the raid, as well as in Normal and Heroic modes.

What level is ragnaros Classic?

The World’s First Ragnaros kill in the level 60 Molten Core raid has been completed just six days after the release of World of Warcraft Classic, with veteran raid clan APES claiming the historic moment on the EU server Gehennas.

Does smoldering egg of Millagazor still drop?

Confirmed that Smoldering Egg of Millagazor still drops.

How long does Firelands Timewalking take?

Here you can purchase WoW Firelands Timewalk run. This raid was released in patch 4.2 during Cataclysm expansion and now available in time walking mode where all your gear scales to match 85 character level. Run itself will take 1.5 hours, but available only when Cataclysm time walking is active.

How many do you need for Firelands Timewalking?

During Cataclysm Timewalking, you can assemble a raid group of between 1 and 30 players to step into the molten domain of Ragnaros. Don’t have a regular group?

What tier is Firelands?

Tier 12 is the armor set associated with the Firelands raid.
