How Do You Get Rid Of Whiteflies On Plants?


As much as your plants like nitrogen-rich fertilizers, whiteflies like your nitrogen-rich plants and excessive nitrogen can cause frequent infestations! While nitrogen can boost the vitality of your plants, over-fertilizing your garden can attract whiteflies, leading to more frequent infestations.

What is the best treatment for whitefly?

If infestations of whiteflies are caught early, they can be controlled by washing them off with a sharp spray of water. Make sure to get the undersides of the leaves, as this is where eggs and nymphs hang out. Natural enemies such as lacewings or parasitic wasps can be effective in controlling whiteflies.

How do you control whiteflies organically?

Organic Neem Oil can be sprayed on vegetables, fruit trees and flowers to kill eggs, larvae and adults. Mix 1 oz/ gallon of water and spray all leaf surfaces (including the undersides of leaves) until completely wet. Horticultural oils, which work by smothering insects, are very effective on all stages of this pest.

What plants do whiteflies hate?

Whiteflies find basil, nasturtiums and marigolds unpleasant. Instead of using chemical pesticides, add these plants to the flower garden. Not only will they keep whiteflies at bay, but also they attract beneficial insects.

What does whitefly do to plants?

Whitefly are small, sap-sucking insects that hide on the underside of leaves. When disturbed, you’ll see them flying around. As they rob sugars from the plants, they can cause leaf damage and stunt shoots. They are also disease vectors, spreading viruses from plant to plant.

What plants do whiteflies like?

Which Plants Are Susceptible to Whiteflies? Whiteflies can be found on a wide variety of plants, from ornamental flowers to warm-weather vegetables, including tomatoes, eggplant, peppers, and okra. Some species may attack sweet potatoes, plants from the cabbage family, and citrus trees.

Do whiteflies bite humans?

Whiteflies are not known to bite humans, but they do have piercing mouthparts they use to extract fluids from plants.

Do whiteflies lay eggs in soil?

Whiteflies can kill otherwise healthy plants. They dwell primarily on plant leaves, but the eggs can also infect the soil. Once the eggs hatch, the larvae feed on plant material sitting on the soil’s surface until they grow wings and move into the foliage of the plant.

Is it OK to use soapy water to water plants?

Soapy water can benefit plants, particularly in controlling certain insects, but it’s important to ensure that the soap product you use doesn’t have additives that are harmful to plants and that you dilute it sufficiently to avoid damage. … Always test a small portion of the plant for tolerance to the chemicals.

Can I spray my plants with soapy water?

Soaps and detergents are toxic to plants. A strong solution of soapy water sprayed onto foliage can disintegrate the leaves’ waxy coating, resulting in water loss and the eventual dehydration death of the plant. … Soap will remain in the soil, making it toxic and eventually deadly.

How do I prevent whitefly infestation?

Reflective Mulch

Reflective, plastic mulch can be a highly effective way of keeping whitefly off your plants. Spreading it around the base of commonly affected plants can reduce whitefly populations and help to guard them against attack by confusing the bugs.

What is the life cycle of a whitefly?

At 70ºF, the greenhouse whitefly life cycle takes: 6-10 days for egg hatch, 3-4 days as a nymph I, 4-5 days as nymph II, 4-5 days as nymph III, 6-10 days for the pupa. Adults can live for 30 to 40 days.


What insecticide kills whiteflies?

Imidacloprid. Imidacloprid is one of the most effective systemic whitefly insecticides. When applied as a soil drench, it can drastically reduce the insect and larvae population within a matter of weeks.

How do I get rid of whiteflies on my chilli plant?

Washing the plants can dislodge pests, but the washing-up liquid trick flouts EU rules. The legal version is horticultural soft soap; for it to work you’d have to spray regularly. The best option for whitefly is to introduce Encarsia, a tiny parasitic biological control.

What is whitefly damage?

Damage. The direct damage is caused to the plant as the whitefly feed. The sucking of the sap leaves discoloured patches on the parts of the leaf when they have been feeding. … This leads to metabolic imbalances in the plant which leads to overall weakening, chlorosis and changes to the flowers and fruit.

How do I keep white bugs off my plants?

Bronner’s Baby-mild Liquid Soap per 1 liter of water. The soap kills the bugs on contact. If the plant is small enough, bring it to the sink or shower to wash the leaves with this soap and water solution, and then give it a good rinse. This will kill a large number of the mealybugs, and help to give you the upper hand.

What does whitefly look like?

Whiteflies look like minuscule white moths. These tiny white flying bugs can be as small as 1 or 2 mm with a wingspan of 3 mm. These white sap-sucking insects have small triangular-shaped bodies, and swarms of them will quickly fly away when disturbed. Whitefly larvae have tiny oval bodies.

What smell do whiteflies hate?

All it takes to deter the whiteflies is interspersing marigolds in tomato plots, or hang little pots of limonene in among the tomato plants so that the smell can disperse out into the tomato foliage.

Do marigolds keep whiteflies away?

Marigolds – The marigold is probably the most well-known plant for repelling insects. French marigolds repel whiteflies and kill bad nematodes. … If you choose marigolds for your garden they must be scented to work as a repellant. And while this plant drives away many bad bugs, it also attracts spider mites and snails.

Do any plants repel mosquitoes?

Known for its distinct smell, citronella grass (or lemon grass) is the most commonly used natural ingredient in mosquito repellants. In fact, the Brooklyn Botanic Garden recommends lemon-scented plants such as citronella grass to keep mosquitoes at bay.

How can you tell a whitefly?

Identification Whiteflies are small, white, fly-like insects in their adult stage. The nymphal stages are tiny, flattened, oval scales that have no obvious legs, do not crawl (except immediately after egg hatch for a day or so), and with no obvious head, thorax, or abdomen, do not look like a “typical” insect.

Is vinegar good for plants?

Though vinegar can be fatal to many common plants, others, like rhododendrons, hydrangeas and gardenias, thrive on acidity which makes a bit of vinegar the best pick-me-up. Combine one cup of plain white vinegar with a gallon of water and use the next time you water these plants to see some amazing results.
