How Did Obara Sand Die?


Along with Ellaria Sand, the paramour of her father, and her half-sisters Nymeria Sand and Tyene Sand, she takes part in the Coup in Dorne, during which they seize power in Dorne from the legitimate House Martell. However, she is slain by Euron Greyjoy when he ambushes the Iron Fleet on its way to Sunspear.

What happened to Ellaria Sand in got?

She is sentenced to life in the Black Cells for Myrcella’s murder, and is forced to watch as Cersei fatally poisons Tyene, with the same poison Ellaria used to murder Myrcella. Ellaria’s current status is unknown, though it is very unlikely that she survived Daenerys’s devastation of King’s Landing.

Is Oberyn’s wife his sister?

Princess Elia was the wife of Prince Rhaegar Targaryen, who was also her distant cousin. … She was the daughter of the ruling Princess of Dorne, the younger sister of Prince Doran Martell, who eventually inherited Dorne from their mother and became the ruler of Dorne, and the older sister of Prince Oberyn.

Does Ellaria sand survive?

Ellaria Sand is not dead. She might continue to survive for months or even years … unfortunately for her. Yet we won’t see Ellaria on Game of Thrones again, confirms actress Indira Varma, who played doomed Prince Oberyn’s hot-headed lover.

Who rules Dorne in the end?

The current ruler of Dorne (when House Martell is fully introduced in Season 5) is Prince Doran Martell, who has been the head of House Martell for many years.

Why was Trystane killed?

Prince Trystane Martell was the eldest son and heir to Prince Doran Martell. … He was murdered along with his father, Prince Doran, by Ellaria Sand and the Sand Snakes in an act of retaliation for his father’s inaction against House Lannister for their crimes against House Martell.

Who are Oberyn’s daughters?

In birth order, Oberyn Martell’s daughters are:

  • Obara Sand, daughter by a whore from Oldtown.
  • Nymeria Sand, also known as Lady Nym, daughter by a Volantene noblewoman.
  • Tyene Sand, daughter by a septa.
  • Sarella Sand, daughter by a trader from the Summer Isles.

Who kills Euron?

Euron continues to remain an ally of Cersei, ferrying the Golden Company to Westeros, killing Rhaegal, and fighting at the Battle of King’s Landing, where his fleet is burnt by Drogon. Euron himself was subsequently killed in a duel by Cersei’s brother and lover, Ser Jaime Lannister.

Who are the Sand Snakes actresses?

In a recent interview, three cast members of HBO’s “Game of Thrones” spoke about their respective characters. The actresses — Keisha Castle-Hughes, Jessica Henwick and Rosabell Laurenti Sellers — play the characters collectively known as Sand Snakes, who were introduced in the current season.

Why is Cersei’s daughter in Dorne?

After Jaime returns to King’s Landing, Cersei lists off to him all she has suffered since he left for the war over two years ago, one of which is that their daughter Myrcella has been shipped off to Dorne to secure a political marriage-alliance.


Who killed Myrcella?

The Assassination of Myrcella Baratheon is an event late in the War of the Five Kings, orchestrated by Ellaria Sand and the Sand Snakes in an attempt to draw Dorne into conflict with House Baratheon of King’s Landing as revenge against Cersei Lannister for her role in the death of Oberyn Martell.

Why does Oberyn Martell hate Lannisters?

Prince Oberyn Martell hates the Lannisters way more than the average viewer does, because the Lannisters didn’t, like, literally do anything to you, you know? (Or did they? … Prince Rhaegar Targaryen was married to Oberyn’s sister, Elia Martell. During The Sack Of King’s Landing, Elia was raped and then split in half.

Who plays Trystane?

Sebastian Toby M. Pugh (born 26 February 1992), known professionally as Toby Sebastian, is a British actor and musician. He is best known for portraying the character of Trystane Martell in the HBO series Game of Thrones, and Andrea Bocelli in the biopic The Music Of Silence.

What is Dorne in Game of Thrones?

Dorne is the large peninsula which makes up the southernmost part of Westeros, and is one of the constituent regions of the Seven Kingdoms. The lords of the ruling House Nymeros Martell style themselves “Prince” and “Princess” in the Rhoynish fashion.

Who is the new Lord of Dorne?

Exclusive: Toby Osmond, who played the new Prince of Dorne in the Game of Thrones finale, reveals who he thinks his character really is on the show.

Are the Tyrells extinct?

House Tyrell of Highgarden is an extinct Great House of Westeros. … With the death of Olenna after the Sack of Highgarden, the House has officially become extinct.

What is the most powerful house in Westeros?

Right now, the most powerful house in Westeros is House Targaryen. Daenerys Targaryen has two giant dragons who obey her every command. She has the alliances and loyalty of the Kingdom of the North. She has many powerful men and women ready to die for her.

Who played Ellaria sand?

Ellaria Sand played by Indira Varma on Game of Thrones – Official Website for the HBO Series – | HBO.

Who killed Gregor clegane?

Elia’s brother Oberyn Martell volunteers as Tyrion’s champion to expose Gregor as a murderer. Oberyn wounds Gregor with a poisoned spear, but the Mountain is ultimately victorious, admitting to murdering Elia and Aegon before crushing Oberyn’s skull.

Who killed the targaryen babies?

Rhaegar was killed by Robert Baratheon, who was Lyanna’s betrothed, at the Battle of the Trident. Soon afterward, Aegon and Rhaenys were brutally murdered along with their mother by Ser Gregor Clegane during the Sack of King’s Landing.
