Does The Bloop Exist?


IN THE summer of 1997, an array of underwater microphones, or hydrophones, owned by the US government picked up a strange sound. For a minute, it rose rapidly in frequency; then it disappeared.

Who discovered the bloop?

This is a stand-alone system designed and built by NOAA’s Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory (PMEL) to augment NOAA’s use of the U.S. Navy Sound Surveillance System (SOSUS), which was equipment originally designed to detect Soviet submarines.

What is the loudest thing in the ocean?

A sea creature less than 2 inches long is one of the ocean’s loudest creatures, and research has found that it may only get louder as a result of the oceans getting warmer. The “snapping shrimp” – also known as the pistol shrimp – is notable for its massive claw, which is about half the size of its entire body.

What is the loudest fish?

Now—thanks to new research by Brad Erisman at the University of Texas at Austin’s Marine Science Institute and his colleagues published in the journal Biology Letters—we know that the Gulf corvina are the loudest known fish on the planet.

Is sound louder underwater?

Sound travels faster in water compared with air because water particles are packed in more densely. Thus, the energy the sound waves carry is transported faster. This should make the sound appear louder.

What is the biggest sea monster?

The mythical kraken may be the largest sea monster ever imagined. Some stories described it as more than 2.5 kilometers (1.5 miles) around with arms as large as ship’s masts.

What is the Julia sound?

Julia is a sound recorded on March 1, 1999, by NOAA. It was recorded by the equatorial hydrophone array and lasted for 15 seconds. Similar to the Bloop sound, NOAA researchers say that it is the sound of a large iceberg running into the seafloor.

How deep does the ocean go down?

The average depth of the ocean is about 12,100 feet . The deepest part of the ocean is called the Challenger Deep and is located beneath the western Pacific Ocean in the southern end of the Mariana Trench, which runs several hundred kilometers southwest of the U.S. territorial island of Guam.

How far away was the bloop heard?

It was the loudest unidentified underwater sound ever recorded, detected by hydrophones 5,000 miles apart. It lasted for one minute and was never heard again.

How much of the ocean has been explored?

Just 5 percent of Earth’s oceans have been explored and charted – especially the ocean below the surface. The rest remains mostly undiscovered and unseen by humans. That doesn’t seem like it could be true. The oceans account for 70 percent of Earth’s surface.

How deep is the Mariana Trench?

Then explain to students that the Mariana Trench is the deepest part of the ocean and the deepest location on Earth. It is 11,034 meters (36,201 feet) deep, which is almost 7 miles.

What is the Upsweep sound?

Upsweep is an unidentified sound detected on the American NOAA’s equatorial autonomous hydrophone arrays. … It consists of a long train of narrow-band upsweeping sounds of several seconds in duration each. The source level is high enough to be recorded throughout the Pacific.


What is the loudest natural sound?

The loudest sound in recorded history came from the volcanic eruption on the Indonesian island Krakatoa at 10.02 a.m. on August 27, 1883. The explosion caused two thirds of the island to collapse and formed tsunami waves as high as 46 m (151 ft) rocking ships as far away as South Africa.

What is the humming noise?

The Hum is a name often given to widespread reports of a persistent and invasive low-frequency humming, rumbling, or droning noise not audible to all people.

Does the ocean whistle?

A study of the Caribbean Sea by University of Liverpool ocean scientists has revealed that, in the midst of all the noise of the ocean, this region behaves like a whistle, which blows so loudly that it can be ‘heard’ from space in the form of oscillations of the Earth’s gravity field.

Are Kraken still alive?

After all, even after so much scientific research, the Kraken is still alive in popular imagination thanks to films, books and computer games, even if it sometimes turns up in the wrong mythology, such as the 1981 (and 2010) ancient Greek epic Clash of the Titans.

Is Walking With Dinosaurs sea monsters real?

As with previous documentaries in the Walking with… franchise, Sea Monsters recreated extinct animals through a combination of computer-generated imagery and animatronics, incorporated into live action footage shot at various locations.

What is the most scariest sea creature?

The Scariest Monsters of the Deep Sea

  • The Goblin Shark (Mitsukurina owstoni) …
  • The Proboscis Worm (Parborlasia corrugatus) …
  • Zombie Worms (Osedax roseus) …
  • Stonefish (Synanceia verrucosa) …
  • The Sloane’s viperfish (Chauliodus sloani) …
  • Giant isopods (Bathynomus giganteus) …
  • Frilled Shark (Chlamydoselachus anguineus)

Can humans hear underwater?

On land, humans hear through air conduction. … But underwater, humans don’t hear using the normal channels. Instead, the study found that humans hear through bone conduction, which bypasses the outer ear and the ossicles of the middle ear.

Can humans hear whale sounds above water?

While you may not be familiar with the sounds made underwater by the humpback whales, the sounds you are able to hear are the ones created by surface behaviour. … The sound this creates can be heard above and below the water.

Which container gives loudest sound?

As empty vessels make the loudest sound, so they that have the least wit are the greatest blabbers.

What type of fish is Corvina?

Corvina is a white firm fish similar to sea bass. It has a mild, sweet taste with firm, large flaked flesh. Pinkish when raw, but cooks up white. Although it is considered a versatile fish, ceviche is a popular recipe for this species.

Is there deeper than Mariana Trench?

The deepest place in the Atlantic is in the Puerto Rico Trench, a place called Brownson Deep at 8,378m. The expedition also confirmed the second deepest location in the Pacific, behind the Challenger Deep in the Mariana Trench. This runner-up is the Horizon Deep in the Tonga Trench with a depth of 10,816m.
