Do Chickens And Guineas Get Along?


Now granted, guinea fowl will never be super duper lovey birds, but they can be trained to be friendly with you. Guinea fowl are just naturally more high strung than chickens. … Just like chickens, they will quickly learn to come running when you have their favorite treat!

Are guineas aggressive?

In fact, guineas can be so aggressive that they can run off the toughest rooster in your flock! Male guineas are notoriously territorial and will bully others in the flock.

Are guineas noisy?

Although guineas are typically quiet, they can be very noisy if disturbed. Guineas are more active than chickens and not as easily tamed—they seem to retain some of their wild behavior.

Do guineas need a coop?

Guinea fowl do need shelter but it does not necessarily have to be a coop. Being from the same family as pheasants and turkeys they prefer to roost in the trees but in order to keep them around and find the eggs easily you really need to provide them with housing and train them in it’s use.

Can guinea fowl survive winter?

Cold weather does horrible things to flock like guinea fowl. Guinea fowl can handle a bit of cold. If your guinea fowls are in a coop and sheltered and dry, they can survive temperatures of -1F or -18C. As long as they have enough feed and enough water, you’re good to go.

How do you befriend a guinea fowl?

Taming Guinea fowl keets requires:

  1. Lots of time – Frequent and daily contact is needed.
  2. Your voice – Talking to the keets throughout the day.
  3. Handling – keets only, at least 3 times a day.
  4. Feed – Letting the keets eat from the hand.
  5. Treats – Hold a meal worm in your fingers.

What animal eats guinea fowl?

Guinea-fowl do fall prey to birds-of-prey such as eagles and owls. The eggs of guinea-fowl have a very hard cover to protect them from predators.

What is poisonous to guinea fowl?

Coccidiostats, such as coban, are toxic to guinea fowls.

Will guinea fowl fly away?

Will guinea fowl fly away and will they come back? Yes, they do fly and will often fly up into trees or rooftops to roost. You can clip their wings, and this will restrict their flying. But it’s important to train them from young to think of the coop as home.

Why do we not eat turkey eggs?

The reason may be primarily about profitability. Turkey’s take up more space, and don’t lay eggs as often. They also have to be raised for quite a bit longer before they begin to lay. This means that housing and feed-related expenses would be considerably higher for turkey eggs compared to eggs from chickens.

How do you keep guinea fowl on your property?

Here are eight tips for keeping guinea fowl from flying away.

  1. Start Them Young. Guineas raised from keets are less likely to fly the coop. …
  2. Raise Keets with Chicks. …
  3. Let a Hen Raise the Keets. …
  4. Get Mature Guineas to Adopt Them. …
  5. Provide High Roosting Bars. …
  6. Temporarily Confine Them. …
  7. Cover the Run. …
  8. Clip Their Wings.

Can guinea fowl be free range?

They free-range and will naturally roost in trees if left without a shelter to sleep in. They are also tick-eating machines. Guinea Fowl International President Cindy Gibson notes that using them to control ticks and other bugs is their truest claim to fame.


At what age can guinea fowl free range?

My answer is that you can start to free range guinea fowl from between 3 and 4 months of age. The first stage is to let them out just 30 minutes or so before they normally roost, that way they won’t have the time to wander far before it’d bedtime.

How much land do you need for guinea fowl?

They need a lot of space.

Where urban farmers could potentially set up a coop in a mid-sized backyard, Guineas need one or two acres minimum—preferably more. That’s because, unlike chickens, Guineas are hardwired to run with a large crowd.

Do guinea fowl keep snakes away?

Thanks to their noise, Guineas are an excellent way to protect the yard from uninvited snakes. In a flock, Guinea Fowl will sound out loudly to alert you of the presence of a snake. If the snake is small, a flock may encircle the snake and may even kill it. Generally, they will not eat a snake.

How long do guinea hens live?

After a few weeks in the nursery, they are released into the main flock. The average lifespan of a guinea fowl is approximately 10 to 15 years. Guinea fowl can mate with other species of fowl and produce hybrid offspring.

Do guinea hens get cold?

Guinea fowl do get cold feet. They will often lift one foot at a time into their feathers to warm it back up. Guinea fowl are extremely hardy and will cope with the whole range of climates but they don’t have the same adaptation in their legs to preserve body heat that chickens and ducks do.

How much do guinea hens cost?

Guinea fowl chicks (better known as keets) are widely available at farms and hatcheries across the country. Generally, they will cost about $4 – $8 for the common colors like pearl, royal purple, and white guineas.

Do guinea fowl need heat lamps?

We do not recommend vertically-mounted heaters for guineas. You can use a heat lamp (preferably with a red bulb to reduce cannibalism), but be very careful with them, as they are a serious fire risk. For the first 3-4 weeks, guinea keets do best with 28% protein starter feed like what is used for game birds.

How big of a coop do you need for 10 guineas?

Your guinea fowl house should be cozy but large enough to accommodate your flock. To determine the appropriate size to make the house, figure on 3 to 4 square feet for each bird you want to keep.

What kind of shelter do guineas need?

A shelter such as a shed instead of a barn with a high roof will also hold in some body heat and the interior of the building will be much more comfortable than the frigid temperatures outdoors. Roosting bars should be provided for guinea fowl.

Do guineas lay eggs?

Guineas mix well and can be raised with chickens. Often a broody chicken hen is the one to naturally incubate and care for new keets. Thirty or more eggs can be laid by a Guinea hen during her laying period. They do not lay eggs year round.

Do Guineas stay in your yard?

You might wait a few days for them to come home and then assume that they were nabbed by a fox or neighborhood dog and move on with your life. Until the day your guinea fowl flock all of sudden grows exponentially. Guinea hens nest on the ground, and they usually do it under cover somewhere.
