Can Brook Drown One Piece?


The only two possibilities there are to killing him is by either submerging him into water or by crushing his entire body forcing the soul to leave the body. This would indeed make him quite immortal.

Can Brook eat 2 Devil fruits?

Brook cannot have another Devil Fruit, unless Oda-sensei’s hyper-creative imagination provides him a loophole.

Does Brook have Haki?

Another member of the Straw Hat Pirates, Brook is an incredibly powerful swordsman who possesses the abilities of the underworld. … It is likely that Brook will gain Armament Haki in the fight at Onigashima.

Who is the weakest straw hat?

2 Usopp (Straw Hat Pirates)

Among the Straw Hat crew, though, Usopp has been stated to have always been the weakest, most human character.

Did Nami eat a devil fruit?

1 Won’t Eat: Nami

While eating a Devil Fruit certainly does seem something that Oda could plan for Nami, looking at her potential, it doesn’t seem like it’s going to happen. Nami is already very powerful, and she has tremendous room to grow. She could possibly gain Prometheus in the future, and wield Haki too.

What is the most powerful Devil Fruit?

1 Gura Gura no Mi: The Strongest Paramecia Ability

Using its powers, Whitebeard could bring the ocean currents to Tsunamis-level and destroy with enemies with quakes. The Gura Gura no Mi is so powerful that it is widely known to hold the power to destroy the entire world.

Can you eat another Devil Fruit?

A person can only eat a single Devil Fruit in their entire life; any attempt to gain a second Devil Fruit power will cause the consumer’s body to be torn apart to such a degree that little trace is left of it, resulting in their death.

Can Devil Fruit be destroyed?

3 Answers. I don’t think you can separate destroyed and being eaten, eating a devil fruit in One Piece pretty much destroys it. So destruction by power, physical force and or being eaten could be considered as being the same.

Who can beat Brook?

Brook is the second-best swordsman of the Straw Hats and arguably one of the fastest characters in One Piece.

One Piece: 5 Characters Brook Can Beat In Wano (& 5 He Can’t)

  1. 1 Can Beat: Apoo.
  2. 2 Cannot Beat: Kozuki Oden. …
  3. 3 Can Beat: Killer. …
  4. 4 Cannot Beat: King “The WildFire” …
  5. 5 Can Beat: Kurozumi Kanjuro. …

How did Brook die?

With a heavy heart, Brook continued playing alone until he too succumbed to the poison and died. After a year of searching, the soul of Brook found the Rumbar Pirates’ ship and his body, which had decomposed to bones. Resurrected as a skeleton, Brook put his comrades’ remains in coffins.

Who was Brook before he died?

Many years ago, was the main musician, and later the captain of the Pirates Rumbar, killed in combat. It is the 9th member of the crew of Monkey D. Luffy , taking the place of a musician. It is known that before dying he had a bounty of 33,000,000 berries and is known as “Hummer” Brook.

Why is Brook dead?

He is the ninth member of the crew and the eighth to join, doing so at the end of the Thriller Bark Arc. Brook ate the Yomi Yomi no Mi, which allowed him to return to life after death once. … Originally a member of the Rumbar Pirates, he died and was resurrected through the power of the Yomi Yomi no Mi.


Is Brook technically immortal?

Brook’s df power is to be revive and it will happen only once. Since his body is already a skeleton, he is immune to biological death like due to old age or sickness. … He isn’t immortal, he said that in an earlier chapter, his body has to be destroyed for him to die.

What is NAMI’s full name?

NAMI, the National Alliance on Mental Illness, is the nation’s largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to building better lives for the millions of Americans affected by mental health.

Can luffy have 2 Devil fruits?

Every personality can have one fruit. So luffy can’t eat another devil fruit and stay alive. The symbol of blackbeard have 3 skulls, so in the future he might eat a third devil fruit.

What 2 Devil fruits did Blackbeard eat?

Devil Fruits. Blackbeard, wielding the powers of both the Yami Yami no Mi (right hand) and the Gura Gura no Mi (left hand).

Is luffy’s Devil Fruit weak?

Overall luffy has a top 5 devil fruit in the series IMO but only if eaten by someone who is already strong. It’s not weak af by any means, it just has a barrier to entry.

Did Gol d Roger have a devil fruit?

Roger was called the Pirate King. But sadly he did not have a Devil Fruit power. From what we have seen from flashbacks, Roger solely relied on his Haki in battle. He was strong enough to fight foes like Whitebeard and Kozuki Oden.

Which is the weakest devil fruit?

One Piece: 5 Strongest Devil Fruits (& 5 Weakest Devil Fruits)

  1. 1 Weakest: Beri Beri no Mi.
  2. 2 Strongest: Gura Gura no Mi. …
  3. 3 Weakest: Hito Hito no Mi. …
  4. 4 Strongest: Magu Magu no Mi. …
  5. 5 Weakest: Guru Guru no Mi. …
  6. 6 Strongest: Ito Ito no Mi. …
  7. 7 Weakest: Ori Ori no Mi. …
  8. 8 Strongest: Tori Tori no Mi, Model: Phoenix. …

Who is the strongest Haki user?

One Piece: The 15 Strongest Busoshoku Haki Users, Ranked

  • 8 Yamato.
  • 7 Kaido.
  • 6 Charlotte Linlin.
  • 5 Edward Newgate.
  • 4 Gol D. Roger.
  • 3 Monkey D. Luffy.
  • 2 Silvers Rayleigh.
  • 1 Shanks.

Does Nami love Sanji?

Not only Nami respects Sanji as better cook, but also respects him for his chivalry, as during the Ennies Lobby arc, despite being defeated by Khalifa, Nami expressed admiration for Sanji’s ethic at refusing to fight women and decided to pay back Kalifa for what she did, showing she has much respect for Sanji and his …

Did Paulie eat a Devil Fruit?

So no, he doesn’t have any devil fruit power and/or additional abilities which allow him to store such a length of rope on him, except for possibly wearing a coat whose lining allows him to pull out such ropes. There has been some speculations that Paulie had a DF power.

Does Luffy awaken his Devil Fruit?

Luffy’s Devil Fruit, the Gomu Gomu no Mi (Rubber Rubber Fruit), will definitely awaken at some point in the series. His mastery of it will be limited since something like this requires years of practice.
