Are Five-lined Skinks Good Pets?


Wild skinks should NOT be kept as pets. Those sold in pet stores should NOT be released to the wild as they can introduce diseases to wild and genetically distinct populations.

How long do 5 lined skinks live?

Five-lined Skinks can live up to 6 years in the wild, although most probably die as young skinks, before reaching maturity.

Can you keep a wild skink as a pet?

Skinks are medium-sized reptiles many enjoy keeping as pets. A skink can be an excellent pet with proper care. Make sure your skink has a comfortable tank with plenty of space to roam and hide.

Do 5 lined skinks eat fruit?

Veggies and fruits

Some blue-tailed skinks have a diet that consists of up to 70 percent of green leafy vegetables and fruits. While they prefer insects, they can survive and thrive on a mostly vegetarian diet.

Do skinks bite humans?

Any lizard has the potential of biting, and skinks are just the same in this. However, their bites are unusual and rarely come out of the blue. … Usually a skink will only bite you for one of the following reasons: They are being handled when they do not want to be.

Do 5 lined skinks make noise?

While blue tongue skinks are generally quiet lizards, they can make some noises or sounds. Sounds are often used for communication and expression.

Where do skinks lay their eggs?

Many skinks lay eggs in a nest under foliage. Sometimes they will lay them in the soil, covered with thin layer of earth over them. They are also sometimes found to lay eggs under the edges of buildings. Often it is anywhere that provides the eggs with some protection, and is relatively hidden.

How big can five-lined skinks get?

The American five-lined skink is small to medium-sized, growing to about 12.5 to 21.5 centimetres (4.9 to 8.5 in) total length (including tail). Young American five-lined skinks are dark brown to black with five distinctive white to yellowish stripes running along the body and a bright blue tail.

What do you feed a 5 lined skink?

Five-lined skinks feed primarily on insects or spiders, but may also eat snails or frogs.

Do skinks like water?

Young skinks may be offered food ad lib daily; as they become adults, they may eat only every other day. They need fresh drinking water available at all times and a vitamin/mineral supplement containing vitamin D3 (offered twice a week to adults and every other day to growing juveniles). 4. They are large lizards!

Are skinks friendly?

Blue-tongued skinks are as a whole a friendly, intelligent bunch, as far as lizards go. They make great reptile pets, but they are sizeable lizard to hold. They settle down quickly, are easily acclimated to captivity, and grow into approachable, submissive pets.

What is the lifespan of a skink?

Skinks do not show parental care. Young skinks are left on their own from the moment they are born or hatch. Depending on the species, average lifespan of skink can vary from 5 to 20 years.


Are skinks bad to have around?

Try to learn to enjoy these fascinating animals (the males have bright red heads in the spring, and the juveniles and young females have bright blue tails). Skinks are good to have around and can even be entertaining to watch. There is no way they can hurt you or your child physically.

What do you feed a skink?

Skinks, particularly juveniles, will also eat a variety of prey items including crickets, mealworms, kingworms, snails and pinky mice. Waxworms should only be offered as an occasional treat, because these insects are high in fat. Low fat dog or cat food may also be offered as an occasional protein source.

What do skinks eggs look like?

Skinks create nests in moist soil under objects in the garden, with females laying around four eggs each, sometimes in communal nests which hold dozens of eggs. The eggs look like mini chicken eggs but are soft and rubbery and are often disturbed by gardeners and animals in early summer and again in autumn.

Do skink bites hurt?

Despite their generally docile nature, blue-tongued skinks will bite if they feel threatened, or hiss and expose their blue tongues (which is where they get their name). … Be advised that although skinks are not aggressive, they have strong jaws and teeth, and a bite from a skink can be quite painful.

Why do skinks Huff?

Usually, Blue Tongue Skink huffing means your skink is feeling annoyed or aggressive. … As they’re not naturally social animals, skinks need time and effort to get used to being handled by humans. Plus, loud noises and rough handling can also cause huffing, as they might feel overwhelmed and even threatened.

Where do skinks go in winter?

Lizards hibernate during cold times of the year, making their homes in tree trunks, under rocks, or wherever they can find shelter. Lizards are cold-blooded, or ectothermic, which means they have no internal heating capabilities, so they must rely on heat from external sources.

Do skinks keep snakes away?

Myth: Bluetongue lizards keep snakes away. Fact: Bluetongues may eat young snakes if they are able to catch them, but snakes are also known to eat adult bluetongue lizards. You will not find anything that will keep away snakes.

What do you do if there’s a skink in your house?

5 Easy Ways to Get Rid of Skinks on Your Porch

  1. 1 – Get Rid of Food Sources. …
  2. 2 – Turn Lights Off. …
  3. 3 – Block Any Water Sources. …
  4. 4 – Clean up Your Porch. …
  5. 5 – Get a Cat or Other Natural Predator.

What does it mean when you see a skink?

Conclusion. Lizard symbolism is linked to sun, light, regeneration, and renewal. It is a symbol of good fortune in some cultures but also of death and uncleanliness in the Bible. Lizards are patient, determined, and have the ability to blend in with the surroundings.
